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Autumn Huels

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Q: Why more fertilizer needed on farm today?
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How fertilizer different from manure?

Manure is kind of like natural fertilizer. It's animal excrement. Fertilizer is man made and is not excrement based.Manure is a type of fertilizer, however most fertilizers that we know today are man-made, put into a far more concentrated solid "mass," if you will, of usually only one or two elements that come out as pellets, unlike manure, which comes with many elements all rolled into one.

What fertilizer consists of?

Simple plant fertilizers combine N, P and K; nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. These are the elements most needed by plants. There are many more elements needed and more complex fertilizers are available for this. In particular, some soils are deficient in 'trace elements' such as selenium, but these tend to be of local importance.

What are the ingridents in fertilizer that help it grow?

The most common ingredients in an artificial fertilizer are the trio, N, P, and K. From the names of these elements, commonly abbreviated as NPK. These are the most important for plant nutrition, but for hydroponic growing, a rather more complete group of elements is needed. These are the elements that plants need for their growth.

What is sulphate of ammonia?

sulphate of ammonia is fertilizer which is applied applied to leafy vegetables to grow more.

What is agricultural fertilizer?

sorry jade but i have more detail!Agricultural manure not only ensures that plants grow well, but also ensures their nutritional composition. One of the most common types of agricultural fertilizer is nitrogen fertilizer, which comes from animal and plant byproducts. This type of fertilizer is most often spread on top of the soil in which plants are growing. Phosphorus fertilizers are another common type of fertilizer, and usually come in a fine powder. Farmers who grow potatoes and fruit trees often use potassium fertilizers to make sure that their produce has enough of this nutrient.Yer but i don't know much about this thing but i know about other thingsSHUT UP! JADE JUST CUZ I LIKE HELPING OTHER STUDENTS SO THEY HAVE LESS OF A HARSH TIME AND CAN GET A DECENT JOB IN THE FUTURE AND NOT HAVE TO WORK IN POUNDLAND!AND I DOUBT THAT YOU KNOW ANYTHING AT ALL! YOU BABOON!nice thanks

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Why is more fertilizer needed on farms today?


Why is so much more fertilizer needed on farms today?

because he crops are too much low

No more than 40 pounds of fertilizer is needed to adequately cover your backyard let f equals the anount of fertilizer needed?

f is greater than or equal to 40 pounds

Why is so much more fertilizer needed on farms today in Pakistan?

In the past,when there were fewer people and the demand for crops was less,the manure from anim -als was usually enough to keep the field fairly fertile

Was farming in the 1800s more labor intensive?

Well, as far as manual labour is concerned, yes. More people (in the form of "man power") were needed to be hired to work on the same size farm in today's world than what is needed for that same farm today. However, as far as labour alone is concerned (not just manual labour either) farms today involve just as much hard work as they did 200 years ago. Only difference you could actually make money for the work done on a farm 200 years ago than you can on a modern farm nowadays!

Converting agricultural wastes into useful purposes?

we can use the manure as a fertilizer in the farm it will make us to yield more crops in the land

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Farm Equipment?

Farming is a very useful activity. With farms, it would be much harder to find anything to eat. With the rigc history that farming enjoys, it is great that farming has experienced the same technological advancement as every other facet of society. The farm equipment of today is almost unrecognizable from the farm equipment that was used during yesteryear. Modern farm equipment consists of such interesting things as nailers and tractors that are much more efficient and improved upon, egg hatchets that are temperature-controlled, and even fertilizer injectors. The effect of all of this improved farm equipment is that crops are enjoying improved results each and every successive year and that livestock is being raised to be even stronger and healthier.A fertilizer injector is a newer piece of farm equipment that allows the farmer to irrigate the fields with fertilizer mixed into it. One of the best of these contraptions is the Mazzei 584 Fertilizer Injector. This is an apparatus that is shaped like a T. It pushes the fertilizer-infused water through it’s horizontal pipes. The constriction sucks the fertilizer through the vertical pipe that leads down to the ground. This machine makes it possible for crops to grow healthier and stronger and leads to farmers making much more money for their higher yields.Pultry coops are more farm equipment that has been improved with the advancements that have occurred in technology. They are now made by using treated lumber and high quality plastics. These newer materials make the chicken coops more weather resistant. No longer will these pieces of farm equipment get rusty and break down from heavy rains.Another piece of advanced farm equipment that has become quite popular with farmers of today. These are poultry egg hatchets. These pieces of farm equipment use digital controls to maintain temperatures. They also use circulated air. Some of these hatchets can hold more than two hundred chicken eggs. Any farmer who produces poultry needs to have a few of these hatchers.Farm equipment has come a long way over the years. With the aid of the right farm equipment, farmers have a much better shot at being more successful.

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farmers did it because they needed more daylight to farm in the fall

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Water insoluble fertilizer?

A fertilizer for agriculture must be soluble in water, more or less.