

Why must DNA duplicate before mitosis began?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Because mitosis is the process of duplicating a cell. Creating 2 daughter cells out of 1 parents cell. And the duplication of the DNA is just the first step.

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Q: Why must DNA duplicate before mitosis began?
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Why must chromosomes be duplicated before mitosis?

Chromosomes have to be duplicated so that the same amount of DNA will be transferred into the new cells formed by mitosis. The new cells will be mutated if they do not duplicate.

What must happen before meiosis or mitosis can take place?

Before Meiosis 2, the cell must first go through Meiosis 1. This is when the cell splits into two cells, each with two chromosomes.

Why must cells duplicate the DNA before entering mitosis or meiosis?

This process of replication is important, it provides a method for cells to transfer an exact duplicate of their genetic material from one generation of cell to the next. The copies of the cell are called the daughter strands, they contain half of the parent DNA molecule and half of a whole new molecule. This is called Semiconservative replication.

Why do chromosomes in parent cell duplicate during mitosis?

Chromosomes doubles during the S phase of inter-phase, which occurs before Mitosis. During the process of mitoses cell divides into 2 daughter cells from a single parent hence, before mitoses cells must duplicate so that each new cell has a sufficient set of genetic material.

Why must a cell chromosome duplicate before mitosis occurs?

Because the daughter cells have to have the same number of chromosomes you began with. When the cells go through mitosis the get split. If you split a cell with 46 chromosomes into two, you would only have 23 each. That's why it needs to replicate beforehand. It will make sure the cells always have 46 chromosomes.

What is the DNA of mitosis?

There is no DNA of mitosis. Before mitosis, the DNA must be replicated, which occurs during interphase of the cell cycle.

Why is DNA replication required prior to mitosis?

Because mitosis produces 2 genetically identical cells, each cell must have an equal amount of DNA as the parent cell had. Because of this, the DNA makes a duplicate copy of itself before mitosis begins, so that when the chromosomes separate each cell that forms will have as much DNA as the parent cell.

Why are there two chromatids of each color what must have happened to each chromosome prior to mitosis?

There are two of each color because one is an exact duplicate of the other.

Before a cell divides the DNA must duplicate itself by what?

in the S-Phase

Explain why DNA replication must occur before mitosis starts?

DNA replication mus occur before mitosis starts. Mitosis is another word for cell division and so there must be two copies of DNA for each cell at the end stage.

Why must S phase come before mitosis?

Two sets of chromosomes must be available before mitosis so that each of the two daughter cells will have an entire set of chromosomes

What must happen to a chromosome before the next mitosis cycle starts?

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