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The food web start of with producers because the victim or prey is usually a herbivore and/or omivor there for the must start of by eating the nutrients of the plants thus the producers at the beginning

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Q: Why must all food webs contain producers?
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Why is soil good for compost?

Provision of an environment in which compost's nutrients can go to work and keep on working is a reason why soil is good for compost (and vice versa). Compost represents the breakdown of recyclable materials into dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich organic matter. Soil serves to gather together gases, humus (organic matter), liquids, and minerals to provide anchorage for building and nutrients for feeding chains, food webs, and soil food web members.

How does eyjafjallajokull volcano benefit the surroundings?

A large amount of iron had been released into the sea causing a bloom in plankton which is the base of many food webs in the ocean and also on the average day planes altogether release 350,000 metric tonnes of C02 into the atmosphere where as this volcano only released 150,000 metric tonnes into the atmosphere and with the ban on planes in that period 200,000 metric tonnes less was released into the atmosphere and with the fact that it didn't go above 30,000 feet it benefited the plants as they could respire more 03 (oxygen).

What is a summary of how compost replenishes soil?

Compost replenishes soil by encouraging air and pore spaces, dirt structure and texture, drainage, healthy food webs, and nutrient releases serves as a summary of how compost replenishes the soil. The dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich organic material in question may be obtained from the natural wear and tear of water and wind or through human intervention in the form of aerobic bins, containers, heaps, piles or pits of recyclables. Soil requires elements such as soluble nitrogen and trace minerals, all of which -- and more -- compost delivers.

What are cobwebs made of?

Nothing makes black cobwebs. If you have what appear to be black cobwebs, it is because you may have an oil burning furnace that has a leak in it. The soot leaks into the room and gathers around dust making it look like a cobweb.

How is solar energy transported from one place to another?

Solar energy is transported through food chains/webs in ecosystems, as part of an energy pyramid, which has 3 main trophic levels: * Level 1: Autotrophs (plants) fix the energy from the sun during photosynthesis; the energy becomes part of the plant biomass * Level 2: Herbivores consume the plants * Level 3: Primary carnivores feed on herbivores, and are consumed by: * ** Secondary carnivores At each level the energy consumed is assimilated and then either respired, or becomes part of the biomass. Some species participate at more than one trophic level, for instance birds which are herbivores and carnivores. Ecosystems are not very efficient at capturing solar energy; plants capture only 1% of the energy available from sunlight, and far less than that eventually reaches the top of the pyramid.

Related questions

How are producers related to primary consumers?

Producers are the food for primary consumers.

What is the role of producers in food chain and food webs?

The energy from the sun!

Do food webs only contain animals?

No, grass is in food webs too... but its at the bottom.

Which best illustrates how aquatic and terrestrial food webs are interconnected?

Food webs on land and in the water are the same because they both have producers, consumers and decomposers.

Differences between foodchain and foodweb?

food webs contain many food chains however a food chain shows only one primary source and food webs contain more than one primary source.

What do producers producer?

Producers produce energy, to put it simply. Food chains and webs are all about the flow of energy and who's getting energy from where. Since producers are at the bottom of food pyramids, they essentially produce energy.

In food chains and food webs which level is the lowest?

Autotrophs, otherwise known as producers, form the lowest trophic level in both foodchains and foodwebs. Examples of producers are plants or plankton.

How food web in land and in water different?

Food webs on land and in the water are the same because they both have producers, consumers and decomposers.

Which group of organism is always found at the base of a food chain or food web?

The producers is always found at the base of a food chain, but food webs can start from any species and end at any species, so, there is no "bases" at the food web. The producers are basically those which can produce food by its own. A common example would be plants

What do produces produce?

Producers produce energy, to put it simply. Food chains and webs are all about the flow of energy and who's getting energy from where. Since producers are at the bottom of food pyramids, they essentially produce energy.

What is the primary difference between interaction webs and food webs?

Interaction webs include non-trophic interactions, food webs do not

Which interact within food chains and food webs as?

Producers (plants), consumers (animals that eat plants or other animals), scavengers (those that eat dead things), and decomposers (those that eat and break down other deceased organisms) affect the food chains and food webs of an ecosystem or habitat.