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Q: Why must compounds be moltern for electrolysis to work?
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Explain why a substance needs to be either in a solution or molten for electrolysis to work?

Because electrolysis needs a liquid to conduct the electricity.

What must all compounds have?

Get them a 1-on-1 tutor or teacher so that they can work at their own pace and concentrate.

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How do quaternary ammonium compounds work?

it works as a catalyst

Does electrolysis or laser hair removal best for eyebrows?

Electrolysis hair removal is considered best for small body parts like facial parts eyebrows, upper lips, forehead etc. It is done with the help of a thin needle, so there is a high chance that you will get quality work with an amazing eyebrow shape.

Do home electrolysis rollers work?

No. Hair does not conduct electricity. The germinative cells in the bottom of the follicle are the real enemy; hair is just the symptom. So, in order to kill the follicle you need destructive force at the bottom of the follicle such as with probe electrolysis or laser radiation.

What Are Metals Manufactured From?

A few metals are found 'native', that is as the metal and only need separating from the surrounding materials, e.g. gold and silver. Most metals have to be chemically extracted from whatever compounds we can find. Iron is often found as its oxide and is extracted by heating with coke and limestone in a blast furnace. Sodium is found as sodium chloride and we obtain it by electrolysis of the melt. The method used depends on what will work and what it costs. Methods include displacement by carbon (coke), displacement by another metal, and electrolysis.

Kinds of work done by chemists?

chemical work using chemical formulae and chemical compounds

Why is energy needed to split compounds?

Energy is required for just about any process. In the case of splitting compounds, the atoms attract one another with a certain force; this force must be overcome to tear them apart. Since the force is also applied over a positive (non-zero) distance, that requires work, i.e., energy.

How does electrolysis work?

Two electrodes must be connected to a battery and then placed in the compound to be electrolysed ( it must be in its molten form or dissolved in a solution). The battery is then switched on and an electric current passes through the compound, electrolysing it.

Must a balanced equation must have the same compounds on each side of the equation?

A balanced equation does not have the same compounds on each side of the equation. A balanced equation has the same atoms on each side of the equation. You are taking some elements or compounds and creating different compounds. For example, you may be taking Iron Ore and Coal to produce Iron. 2FeO + C -> 2Fe + CO2. You take 2 molecules of Iron Oxide and one molecule of Carbon. You get 2 molecules of Iron and one molecule of Carbon Dioxide. That is how steel mills work. Look at your stove. It is made from iron. It began as Iron Ore and Carbon.

What must be changed for circuit to work?

You must correct what is wrong with it before it will work.