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Q: Why must former government officials wait before becoming lobbyists?
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The role of lobbyists try to persuade congresspersons to vote according to the wishes of a certain special-interest group. They also try to influence the actions of the executive branch of the US government.

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They only do that in an effort to reduce the death rate.

Why must former government officials wait before lobbyist?

Former Government officials must wait for certain period of time before they can become lobbyist.The delay is meant to stop them from using friendships and inside knowledge to help special-interest groups. sources: my civics textbook ;) hope this helps

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the emperor of Romethe Areopagus of Athensthe Sanhedrin of Jerusalemthe governor of Caesarea

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Before becoming an independent country in 1831 it was under foreign rule.

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Grmany, (Hitler) Italy, (Mussolini)and Japan. (military/government officials)

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The Roman government changed many times throughout its existence. In the very beginning, it was ruled by kings as a monarchy before becoming a republic.