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Q: Why must open ended funds keep more cash on hand than close ended funds?
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Corpus in close ended mutual funds?

Corpus of a mutual fund is defined as the sum of 1. Cash in hand + 2. Market value of its shares * no. of shares held + 3. Dividends if any

What is cash?

the caption cash or cash on hand and in bank on the balance sheet includes currency or cash items on hand(such as items awaiting deposit and cash in working funds) as well as peso or foreign currency deposits in banks, which are unrestricted and immediately available for use in current operations.

Can petty cash be misappropriation of funds?

Petty cash is also called cash-in- hand as opposed to cash- at- bank. Where there is good system of internal control eg. petty cash float is established and maintained and occasional surprise csh count is undertaken a presponsible person, the possibility misapropriation of funds is rather very remote.

Who would need to use a cash counting machine?

A cash counting machine comes in very handy for casino workers. When a worker in a cash cage is setting up funds for someone's till (such as a cashier in a restaurant), a cash machine can quickly and accurately count the funds automatically. It is a lot faster than counting by hand.

What is the cash management of a commercial bank?

Money is an account balance. Banks do not maintain cash on hand equal to the amount of money deposited. Rather, they keep about 10% of deposited funds in cash. The amount required varies from day to day and week to week. Cash management is keeping enough cash on hand to handle the bank's cash business plus the cash reserve dictated by the bank's policy. Cash on hand plus cash deposited minus cash paid out equals net cash on hand. To ensure that the net cash on hand meets the bank's needs, the cash manager must estimate with fair accuracy the amount of cash to be deposited as well as the future cash demand. Cash is ordered from the federal reserve and excess cash is returned there.

What is till management in bank?

Money is an account balance. Banks do not maintain cash on hand equal to the amount of money deposited. Rather, they keep about 10% of deposited funds in cash. The amount required varies from day to day and week to week. Cash management is keeping enough cash on hand to handle the bank's cash business plus the cash reserve dictated by the bank's policy. Cash on hand plus cash deposited minus cash paid out equals net cash on hand. To ensure that the net cash on hand meets the bank's needs, the cash manager must estimate with fair accuracy the amount of cash to be deposited as well as the future cash demand. Cash is ordered from the federal reserve and excess cash is returned there.

How do you get money from your bank account in cash?

For amounts less than ten grand (varies by bank), make a check out to "cash", sign it, and take it to your local bank. As long as your account contains the necessary funds, they will hand you the cash.

What is the meaning of cash management services and what role it plays in banks?

Money is an account balance. Banks do not maintain cash on hand equal to the amount of money deposited. Rather, they keep about 10% of deposited funds in cash. The amount required varies from day to day and week to week. Cash management is keeping enough cash on hand to handle the What_is_the_cash_management_of_a_commercial_bankcash business plus the cash reserve dictated by the bank's policy. Cash on hand plus cash deposited minus cash paid out equals net cash on hand. To ensure that the net cash on hand meets the bank's needs, the cash manager must estimate with fair accuracy the amount of cash to be deposited as well as the future cash demand. Cash is ordered from the federal reserve and excess cash is returned there.Read more: What_is_the_cash_management_of_a_commercial_bank

What is the difference cash at bank and hand in cash and overdraft?

The difference between Cash on Hand from Cash in Bank is that the cash is on our hand while the other one is that cash is not in our hand but in the bank. Serioulsy, I really dont know. Thank you very much!

Is cash on hand an asset?

Cash on hand is an asset. It will be included as a current asset and is often called "petty cash"

What does cash in hand is considered to be?

Work done for 'cash in hand' is unrecorded and untaxed by the government.

What is cash in hand?

Cash on Hand refers to actual cash amounts that the company keeps on premises in the form of cash (vs. money in the bank). Some examples might be the cash which is kept as an opening balance in the cash registers or the petty cash fund.