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the layer of cartex (which is in the plant root) can act as a winter storage for starch.

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Floyd Smith

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Q: Why must sugar be transported to sink such as growing points and roots?
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Why does a plant's transport of sugar differ from it's transport of water?

Water is transported in Xylem vessels and sugar is transported in the phloem

Carry water to the leaves and carry sugar and oxygen from the leaves to the living parts of the plant that need it?

Xylem carries water from the roots to toward the leaves. Phloem carries sugar and nutrients from the leaves toward the roots. Oxygen is transported by diffusion, NOT by the liquid transport system.

Why does the direction of sugar transport vary from season to season?

In summer the plant makes alot of sugar, so it is transported to the roots for storage. In the winter, there is less light and less photosynthesis occurs, so sugar is trasnported to the leavesto use it as energy

The root is an example of a photosynthetic sink tissue in plants True or False?

True. The sugars made during photosynthesis in the leaves (sugar source) are transported by the means of the pressure-flow hypothesis to sugar sinks. The roots are a sink since there is a low concentration of sugar and they need more from sugar sources to grow.

What is the south Atlantic system?

Sugar, transported from sugar plantations in Brazil and the west indies

Why does a plant's transport of sugar differ from its transport of water?

Because sugar is transported through phloem and water is transported through xylem.

A tissues transport water and sugar in plant is?

Water is transported through xylem. Sugars are transported though phloem.

What is the south Atlantic trade system?

Sugar, transported from sugar plantations in brazil and the west indies

How food transported to different parts of plant?

When the leaves finish with photosynthesis (the process of making food for the plant), they use phloem tubes, which are tubes carrying sugar and other minerals down from the leaves to the roots, the roots will save up the sugar (plant food) under the ground. Some plants store the bulbs in bulbs (e.g. onions), some will turn it into starch (e.g. potatoes), etc...

Why do plants store sugar in their roots how does it help?

Plants store sugar in their roots to help them grow. Plants store the sugar for further use because their leaves use photosynthesis every day

Do ants like cheese or suger?

Sugar first. The are attracted by the sweet flavour, The sugar grains are easily transported to the nest

How is evaporated sugar cane juice transported?

It just is dont ask me newbs