

Best Answer

Preheating an oven will cause whatevr your baking to cook evenly

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Q: Why must you always preheat an oven before using it it?
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What is preheating and why must you always preheat an oven before using it?

It heats your oven up. So when you put your food in the oven is already hot but you dont have to let it heat up first you could always just put your food straight in the oven, its entirely up to you! xxx

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If you place food in a cold skillet, the food will eventually stick.

What must they do before using it?

calibrate it .

Can I preheat my microwave convection oven when I want to bake in convection mode It seems to take a while to heat when I put the cake mix in.?

It is Must to Preheat your oven (200 deg c) before you cook cake, you will get well cooked cake within 15 Mins

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Before a hypothesis can be formed a review of what is known must be done.

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The type of accident that happens most when using a ride on lawnmower is the driver falling off. You must always be sure to securely strap yourself into the mower before turning it on.

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a reveiw of what is known about the subject must occur

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An electronic scale.

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implicit means you must declare variables before using them while explicit is not a must you declare variables before using them

Why must you pre heat oven before putting turkey in?

Preheating an oven means setting a temperature before putting something in an oven. If you don't preheat the oven and put a turkey in the turkey wil be cooked for longer. Which can affect the texture, taste and what not.

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Turn off the power!