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If you do not wipe up spills somebody can walk on the spills and slip and hurt themselves badly

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Q: Why must you wipe up spills?
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Related questions

When spills occur on the floor what is the first thing you should do?

It depends on what the spill is. If it's a harmless liquid, or one that is drinkable, wipe it up with a mop or paper towels.

Why should you immediately clean up any chemical spills in the laboratory?

It is important to wipe up any spills immediately because it could be pose harm to others and it is unhygienic to not clean the spill up immediately. Spills not being cleaned up immediately could pose harm to others due to the fact that the substance spilled for example could be flammable, poisonous or corrosive. Secondly, it is unhygienic to not clean up spills immediately, this is because if you don't then you might forget later and you should always keep the lab clan at all times.

What must you do if oil or fuel spills into the water?

Report to u.s. coast guard.

Why must astronauts be careful about spills or crumbs?

they may get into equipment and cause serious problems

What are negative impacts that humans have on oil spills?

The only negative impact that humans have on oil spills is if we refuse to clean it up properly.

Do oil spills cause taxes to go up?


How do oil spills effect the environment?

Oil can kill millions of animals and plants. Oil spills need to be cleaned up as quickly as possible.

How do you clean up a honey spill?

Use a wet cloth. lay over the spill for a minuteOR two, then wipe up. for larger spills, use a larger cloth, very wet, leave a bit longer. for moderate spills - 10 - 20kg, use several towels, leave 1/2 to 1hour, then pack them into washing machine for rinse. repeat as necessary until floor can be washed with mop and bucket. honey is hygroscopic it absorbs water, making it easier to clean up if mixed with water first.

Why does a neighbor boy lick his hand and wipe it on his face?

must be an imigrant

Environmental spills of petroleum are sometimes cleaned up by using?


What is the uses of wool?

Insulation, clothing, cleaning up oil spills

What companies clean up liquid fertilizer spills?

LOL, your dumb..