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I'm going to assume that you're wondering why they can travel through matter so easily, which is kind of a layman's term for asking why their cross section is so low.

There's a number of reasons:

- They have almost no mass, so they travel at nearly the speed of light.

- They have no charge so they don't interact electromagnetically.

- They don't decay.

- They have no color so they aren't bound, unlike quarks.

- They only interact via the weak nuclear force, who's range is about 10-18m

This is why a neutrino can easily travel through a light-year of lead without interacting.

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3d ago

Neutrons are more penetrating compared to other types of radiation because they are neutral electrically, allowing them to travel through materials without interacting as strongly with atomic electrons as charged particles. This reduces their chances of being absorbed, scattered, or deflected, allowing them to penetrate deeper into materials. Additionally, neutrons have a relatively high energy and mass, which also contributes to their penetrating ability.

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12y ago

The neutron has mass, so it has kinetic energy. It also has no charge, so it does not interact with matter.

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Q: Why neutron are more penetrating than other radiation?
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Does milliamperage settings and exposure time determine the penetrating abilityof radiation produced?

The milliamperage setting and exposure time primarily affect the quantity or amount of radiation produced, not its penetrating ability. Penetrating ability is mainly determined by the kilovoltage setting, with higher kilovoltage resulting in more penetrating radiation.

Which is the most penetrating and dangerous radiation?

Gamma radiation is the most penetrating and dangerous form of radiation. It can travel long distances through air and penetrate materials easily, which makes it more hazardous to human health.

What radiation has the weakest penetrating power?

Alpha radiation has the weakest penetrating power among the three common types of radiation (alpha, beta, gamma). Alpha particles can be stopped by a sheet of paper or a few centimeters of air, making them less penetrating but more damaging if inhaled or ingested.

Which type of nuclear radiation or weapons can you protect yourself from by wearing your protective clothing and mask?

Protective clothing and masks can help shield against alpha and beta radiation exposure, as well as some forms of nuclear fallout particles. However, they are less effective against more penetrating gamma radiation and neutron radiation, which require specialized shielding and thicker barriers for protection.

Can aluminum stop neutron radiation penetration?

Aluminum is not very effective at stopping neutron radiation penetration compared to other materials like lead or concrete. Neutrons can easily pass through aluminum due to its relatively low neutron absorption and scattering properties. For effective shielding against neutron radiation, materials with high neutron absorption cross-sections such as boron or water are more suitable.

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What particle has the highest penetrating ability?

Of the "basic" types of particulate radiation, the neutron has the highest penetrating ability. It is much more penetrating than the electron, positron, proton, or alpha particle.

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Does milliamperage settings and exposure time determine the penetrating abilityof radiation produced?

The milliamperage setting and exposure time primarily affect the quantity or amount of radiation produced, not its penetrating ability. Penetrating ability is mainly determined by the kilovoltage setting, with higher kilovoltage resulting in more penetrating radiation.

What type of radiation from the nucleus is more penetrating than either alpha or beta particles?

Gamma radiation

Which is the most penetrating and dangerous radiation?

Gamma radiation is the most penetrating and dangerous form of radiation. It can travel long distances through air and penetrate materials easily, which makes it more hazardous to human health.

What radiation has the weakest penetrating power?

Alpha radiation has the weakest penetrating power among the three common types of radiation (alpha, beta, gamma). Alpha particles can be stopped by a sheet of paper or a few centimeters of air, making them less penetrating but more damaging if inhaled or ingested.

Which type of nuclear radiation or weapons can you protect yourself from by wearing your protective clothing and mask?

Protective clothing and masks can help shield against alpha and beta radiation exposure, as well as some forms of nuclear fallout particles. However, they are less effective against more penetrating gamma radiation and neutron radiation, which require specialized shielding and thicker barriers for protection.

Can aluminum stop neutron radiation penetration?

Aluminum is not very effective at stopping neutron radiation penetration compared to other materials like lead or concrete. Neutrons can easily pass through aluminum due to its relatively low neutron absorption and scattering properties. For effective shielding against neutron radiation, materials with high neutron absorption cross-sections such as boron or water are more suitable.

What are the dangers of neutron radiation?

Neutron radiation can cause damage to living cells leading to radiation sickness, skin burns, and increased risk of cancer. It can also damage electronic equipment and materials by causing degradation and weakening of structures. Neutron radiation is a significant hazard in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapon detonations.

What are 3 kinds of radiation given off by radioactive substances?

The three types of radiation given off by radioactive substances are alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. Alpha particles are the least penetrating, beta particles are more penetrating than alpha particles, and gamma rays are the most penetrating and dangerous type of radiation.

What is a rotating neutron star that gives off radiation with every turn?

It is a neutron star. A pulsar is nothing more than a neutron star whose "beams" are detectable from Earth. Apart from that they are the same thing.

Why are gamma rays the most penetrating of all electromagnetic rays?

Because at their frequencies, each gamma ray photon has more energy than a photon of any other form of electromagnetic radiation.