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Nitric is a strong oxidizes.So it oxidize sulphar into its maximum.

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Q: Why nitricacid cannot be used to prepare h2s?
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Why the conc h2so4 cant be used in preparation oh h2s?

h2so4 being good oxidising agent oxidises the h2s to h2o and free conc h2so4 cant be used in preparation of h2s gas

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This question may be about preparing H2S (or maybe hydrogen) with Kipp's apparatus.

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How many moles of hydrogen sulfide are contained in a 64.6-g sample of this gas?

H2S 63.1 g H2S * 1 mol H2S / 34.076 g H2S = 1.85 mol H2S

What is the likely formula for a molecule composed of hydrogen atoms and one sulfur atom?

It is H2S [hydrogen sulphide] where the 2 is a suffix - something that this useless browser cannot handle!

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The formula for dihydrogen monosulfide is H2S.

What is the name of H2S?

H2S = hydrogen sulphide

Can ozone be used to remove H2S from drinking water?

Yes. Ozone is a very powerful oxidizer, and will oxidize H2S into sulfate ion which can be consumed without bad effect (it is a laxative in large enough quantities). This effectively removes the odour and taste associated with H2S.

Formula for H2S dissolved in H2S equals sulfuric acid?

No, H2S is hydrosulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is H2SO4