

Why no cellphone use in school?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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because whilst in school you should be learning not calling or texting your friends!

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Why do you use cellphone?

For me, I use my cellphone to communicate my friends, relatives, church mates, classmates especially my parents mostly in case of emergency while I'm at school. Sometimes I use it for entertaining my self with games especially when I'm bored!!!

Should cellphone be aloud at school?

At my school cells are aloud as long as your not using it at working times. But my teacher let's me use my iPhones calculator for math.

How cellphone use?

what? you bought a cellphone yet you don't know its use?! Trash you! #trollface

How can kids use cellphones for an emergency in school?

If the kid is in school - they don't need the cellphone ! If they need to be contacted in an emergency - they can be reached by someone phoning the school - and a member of staff would fetch them from their classroom !

Why cellphone needed in school?

after school you can call someone and say you are on your way home

Why can't cellphone be use in school?

Because students need to be paying attention to what their teacher is say, and not texting their friends or playing games.

Why cellphone should be in school?

in case theres an emergency

How do you use a cellphone?

By using it

Does school's allow cellphone's in school or class?

My school only allows cell use to do work on like using the calculator or dictionary. Beyond that no. No one would pay attention what what is going on in the classroom or instructions.

Is it illegal to talk on your cellphone while waiting in the school carpool line in Dallas Texas?

yes you can's use you cell phone in a school zone from 7:30 to 4:00

Why shouldn't you use a cellphone in class?

Because - you're in school to LEARN - NOT use your phone ! Having said that - if you prefer texting to learning... there will always be a place for you in McDonalds - cleaning toilets !