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because both rh positive ann rh negative the anti boby is less

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Q: Why no reaction to blood transfusion first time to Rh negative or Rh positive blood?
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Will an Rh negative person who receives Rh positive blood for the first time have a transfusion reaction?


What does plus and - stand for in blood group?

positive and negative stands for either Rhesus Positive or Rhesus negative which means that a persons Red blood cells (RBC) either have D antigens on their cell surface membranes or not. a person who is Rhesus negative will have D Antibodies in the blood plasma and can only be given Rhesus negative blood types in a blood transfusion. Rhesus positive blood types can be given either D+ or D- in a blood transfusion as they have no D antibodies in their blood plasma. hope this helps

What does adverse transfusion event mean?

"Adverse" means harmful or unfavorable, and transfusion probably refers to blood transfusion--so a negative reaction to a blood transfusion? The term is very vague; without context it's hard to say exactly what this would mean.

Can a A positive donor give to a O negative recipient?

People with A Positive blood can only donate to people with blood types A or AB, not any other. You can donate to people outside your blood type group, though only to AB People.

What risks for a recipient in a blood transfusion are there?

The blood given by transfusion must be matched with the recipient's blood type. Incompatible blood types can cause a serious adverse reaction (transfusion reaction). Blood is introduced slowly by gravity flow directly into the veins

Why does a transfusion reaction not occur the first time a rh positive patient is exposed to rh negative blood?

the transfusion reaction doesn't occur the first time an Rh+ patient is exposed to Rh- blood because the Rh+ patients body hasn't created the antibodies needed to attack the Rh- blood that it comes in contact with. the second time the Rh+ patients body comes in contact with Rh- blood, it will have the antibodies necessary to fight against Rh- blood.

What is the universal recipient in blood transfusions?

AB positive; a person with rhesus-negative blood can have an adverse reaction if given rhesus-positive blood.

What are the risks associated with receiving a blood transfusion?

Sometimes problems occur with a blood transfusion, but that is supposed to be rare. Some people can have an allergic reaction to the transfusion.

Why is medication not allowed to be infused into the blood transfusion set while a blood transfusion is going on?

Every blood transfusion carries the risk of allergic reaction, to anaphylactic shock, even if blood type is perfectly matched. If medication was also infused along with the blood, and the patient had an allergic reaction, it would be impossible to tell which sustance was causing the reaction: the blood? or the medication? Remember that every transfusion reaction can be deadly. As well, some meds may break down blood components. Therefore, never inject IV meds into a transfusion tubing or combine medications into a blood transfusion set.

Is a serious and potentially fatal complication that occurs when the patient's blood and the donated blood do not match?

Acute immune hemolytic reaction

What will be the effect on human body if transfusion of o negative blood group is given to o positive blood group human being?

Nothing, O negative blood is the universal donor. Everyone can receive it without complications.

Where can I find information on positive and negative blood types?

Your RH factor is what determines if your blood type is positive or negative. This factor helps determine who can safely recieve your blood from a transfusion, or what blood types you can safely recieve. has information on what bloodtypes can safely be mixed from transfusions and other data in their information section.