

Why not people live on Neptune?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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1. neptune dont have a solild surface

2. the temp on neptune is 212 degrees celcius below zero

3. the winds on neptune are 2,000 KM/h !

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Q: Why not people live on Neptune?
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Can people live on neptune and why or why not?

No, because it is very cold.

Does anyone live on Neptune?

No, no one can live on Neptune

Why cant a human live on Neptune?

Because it's way too cold and people can barely live in Antarctica let alone Neptune, imagine 1,000 degrees below zero.

Will you be able to grow food on Neptune?

Since the planet Neptune is a gas giant, it is not a hospitable place for growing food, and I greatly doubt that anyone will ever live there or grow food there, however, the moons of Neptune, which are still not easy places to live, are nonetheless much easier places to live than Neptune, and perhaps people will some day live there and grow food there. Although even that is unlikely.

What did Neptune the Roman god live in?

Neptune (or Poseidon) was God of the Sea.

How Long Could A persone Live in Neptune?

2/3 of a Neptune year. That is if you live to be 109 earth years old.

Can aliens live on Neptune?

the only way for aliens to live on Neptune is they have to be able to survive on a planet like neptune. it wouldn't be a very good choice unless the could live on a freezing and mostly gas planet.

Where will you eat in Neptune?

If you mean the planet Neptune, there are no people there, as the only place off Earth we have been is the Moon. If and when people do get there, they will have to live in sealed environments, probably in orbit. There is no oxygen nor hard surface on Neptune and it's extremely cold. If you mean Neptune City, New Jersey, there are plenty of good places to eat:

Can anyone live on neptune?

No;they will die.

Can you go live on Neptune?

no because planet neptune does not have enough atmosphere for human to breath in

Who live at Neptune?

no one lives on neptune and it would be impossible to. way too cold there