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Because ALL sodium salts are soluble: carbonates and hydroxide and natural soap: "fatty acid carboxylates", contrarely to Ca- and Mg salts

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Q: Why only magnisium sulphate and calcium sulphate cause hardness of water not sodium sulphate?
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Copper sulphate add to sodium hydroxide result colour?

Calcium sulphate + Sodium hydroxide > Sodium sulphate + Calcium hydroxide

Can sodium hydrocide solution react with magnisium sulphate to form a white precipitate to form a?

Sodium hydrocide is not an existing compound, so the answer is NO.

Is calcium sulphate a compound or an element?

Calcium sulphate is a compound. A compound is created when two or more elements are combined such as calcium and sulphide or sodium and chloride in the case of table salt.

Will sodium sulphate and calcium make sodium chloride?

No. Sodium sulphate + calcium = sodium chloride is wrong you can tell this by writing out a chemical equation NaSO3 + Ca = NaCl <-- This as you can see is wrong, in a chemical equation both sides must have the elements on each side, no new elements can be formed. I'm not 100% whether SO3 is a sulphate or a sulphite btw*

How do you make calcium sulphate using calcium carbonate?

Mix dilute hydrochloric acid with calcium carbonate to obtain a calcium chloride solution; then add sodium sulphate solution to the calcium chloride solution to obtain calcium sulphate precipitate.

Why does sodium chloride melt ice faster than calcium chloride and magnisium solfate?

It is not correct: calcium chloride is more efficient (but also more expensive); the cause is that the CaCl2 enthalpy of dissolution is higher.

What is the word equation for making sodium sulphate and water?

Sodium + Sulphate + Water = Sodium Sulphate + Water

What are ten ionic compounds?

Sodium hydroxide Sodium chloride Calcium nitrate Calcium chloride

Chemical formula of sodium sulphate?

Anhydrous sodium sulphate is Na2SO4

What is the pH of sodium sulphate?

the pH of sodium sulphate is 6 - 8

Can you use sodium chloride rather than calcium chloride in fresh water swimming pool for hardness?

No, because it's not the chloride part that's responsible for the hardness, it's the calcium. Sodium chloride is actually used in water softeners, so it's not a great choice if you're looking to increase the hardness. You could use calcium hydroxide, though this will also make the pool more alkaline which may not be ideal.

What are the some examples of ionic substances and their names?

NaCl, sodium chloride KBr, potassium bromide MgSO4, magnesium sulphate CaCO3, calcium carbonate CaCl2, calcium chloride NaNO2, sodium nitrite NaNO3, sodium nitrate KI, potassium iodide