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the marine fish would pretty much suffocate and die. so putting marine fish in fresh water is not a good idea.

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Q: Why or why not a marine fish is placed in a fresh water aquarium will be able to survive?
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Why marine fish die when placed in fresh water aquarium?

They're designed for salt water, not fresh water! Just the way they are made. You can get aquarium salt from your local pet store, but don't put any in there if you have other freshwater fish that don't need it. Or get a tropical freshwater fish like mollies instead!

Why can't marine fish survive at a fresh water aquarium?

Some marine fish can live in fresh water. But most marine fish are adapted to salt water; because of the salt in the water their body needs to do things differently, and they are used to being in salt water. If you put them in fresh water, their body can't do the same thing, therefore most of them die. For more information, see the related question.

Why marine fish cannot survive at fresh water aquarium?

It is about osmoregulation. Salt water fish has some level of salt in its cells, which is low in concentration than marine water and more than the freshwater. If you put a saltwater fish in fresh water, excess amount of water will enter the cells of the fish and the cells rupture. This is why salt water fish cannot survive in freshwater.

Will marine fish survive in fresh water?

hi how r u today

How long do frog fish live in aquariums?

There are fish from several genera called Frog fish (Angler fish). They require specific marine living conditions in order to survive. In a fresh water aquarium they would be dead almost immediately.

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Why marine fish die when placed in fresh water?

because there is a difference in salinity which means less salt there is alot less in fresh water

Can you have fresh fish in a coral reef aquarium?

If it is a fresh water fish than it isn't really meant for salt water. Do some research on the breed of the fish though because some can survive in salt water.

What would happen to a marine jellyfish if placed in fresh water stream and a frog placed in ocean water?

A marine jellyfish would not survive in a fresh water stream, because the water molecules in the ocean is what makes the jellyfish breathe and it could not be able to breathe in a different habitat. If a frog was placed in the ocean it would not survive, because it is so used to breathing through lake or swampy water molecules that the ocean' s molecules would not be stable to the frog.So really you cannot take a marine animal and switch it with an organism that live in the lake or pond, because neither will manage to survive in different habitats.It would be in a hypotonic solution so it's cells would swell up and burst - it would try to make the salt concentration in its body the same as the concentration in the water. If it was a pond jellyfish being put in the ocean, it would be in a hypertonic solution and its cells would shrink and crenate.hahaha for chemistry students everywhere :D

Is a blue fin damsle fish alghright to put in with others?

Damsel fish are OK in a Marine (sea water) environment. They will not survive in fresh water.

What happens when marine protozoan is transferred to a fresh water medium?

marine protozoans transferred to fresh water will

What does a sea horse need to survive?

They live in water--as they're a type of fish--so they need as much water as an aquarium or an ocean can hold. The type of water for them is sea salt water, not fresh water.