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Q: Why organisms does not need lungs or gills to obtain the oxygen?
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Does tadpoles use gills and lungs to obtain oxygen?

Yes, in a sense tadpoles use gills and lungs to obtain oxygen. When they first hatch they use gills, Eventually, they become less dependent on the gills as they grow lungs.

What structure that animals use to obtain oxygen?

Lungs, gills and sometimes skin.

Where do amphibians get oxygen?

From there souroundings Amphibians as larvea or tadpoles use gills to obtain oxygen. They then go into a metamorphic stage where they have both gills and developing lungs, and as adult they breath through lungs as we do.

What does gills mean in science term?

Gills are an organ that fish have, that enables them to obtain oxygen from the water that they are in; it is what fish use instead of lungs.

What is another way amphibians can obtain oxygen other than gills and lungs?

through there skin.....

Do shark have lungs?

No, they have gills.Sharks do not breathe with lungs, but with gills that absorb the oxygen in the water.

What are two characteristics shared by gills and lungs?

capture oxygen and send it through the body, and organisms use them

Do fish get oxygen through gills then to the lungs?

No. They don't have lungs. They only have gills.

How does a hyena gets it oxygen with lungs or gills?


How do amphibians obtain a supply of oxygen for respiration?

Either through their lungs as adults, Gills as larvae, and small amounts of oxygen through their moist skin.

How do amphibians obtain their oxygen?

Larvae get it with gills, Adults get it with lungs, and most amphibians can get minimal amounts with their moist breathing

What is the difference between lungs and gills?
