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Paracetamol is given to horses for pain management. They will receive this medication after surgeries or for bad injuries that have to heal on their own.

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Q: Why paracetamol is illegal for horses?
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What is the effect of paracetamol given as an illegal drug to horses?

Whether the drug is given illegally or not it will almost always have the exact same effect. Paracetamol (Also called Acetaminophen) is an analgesic when used in horses and covers up lameness /soundness issues. This allows the horse to move smoothly and hide that it is not 100% sound.

Why paracetamol is given as an illegal drug to horses?

Paracetamol (Also called Acetaminophen) works as an analgesic in horses and it will relive pain, though it has no Anti-Inflammitory properties. This drug can be used to hide lameness in show or sale horses so that judges and buyers will not know that the horse is unsound until they have bought it or pinned it to win. Drug tests do cover this drug and if found the vet will inform the buyer or show association of the drugs presence in the horses system.

Is taking paracetamol illegal?

no you fu**er of course its legal! <=3

Is it illegal to export horses from America for slaughter?

No it is not illegal to export horses for slaughter.

Is paracetamol legal or illegal?

Paracetamol is a legal drug. However, it is illegal if it has been dangerously modified in any way.

Is it illegal to own horses in Garland?

No, it is not illegal to own horses in garland, although there might be some terms and conditions.

What crime did Philip nolan do?

Philip Nolan sold horses to the US He also nade illegal maps

What is the difference between banning horse slaughtering and being illegal?

Banning horse slaughtering is where the horses go to0 farm and are torn apart and people can do legally with a license and when you slaughter horses illegal you do not have a license or any rights to be slaughtering horses.

Is it illegal to FedEx prescription drugs?

depends upon various conditions, some of them are -- 1. drug type (paracetamol [not illegal]; cocaine [illegal]). 2. fedex regulations 3. Patent infringement 4. government restrictions 5. hazardous to life

How much horses get slaughered in the us every day?

It is now illegal to slaughter horses in the U.S., so they are shipped to Mexico.

Is buying a donkey illegal?

No! Buying donkeys is as legal as buying horses.

Can horses be breed tested?

No they can't. If you want to find out what the breed of your horse is then you should look in the pasport (which is illegal not to have) and there is a page on the horses breeding.