

Why particles vibrates?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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Particles vibrate because of heat being present

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Sigurd Nolan

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Q: Why particles vibrates?
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How does heat flow through different materials?

when the the heat hits the materials it vibrates the particles which send energy threw that vibrates the particles and heats it up

What vibrates more hot or cold particles?

yes they do

Can the particles in a solid move?

yes but not very well they are in one big bunch that vibrates

What vibrates when i talk or sing and make the particles in the air around them vibrate?

Your vocal chords,

Can the particles move in solid?

yes but not very well they are in one big bunch that vibrates

How does the triangle produce sound?

When you hit it, the triangle vibrates, and the air around it vibrates. The air particles closest to it vibrates, then the air particles next to the first ones start vibrating as well and so on, so it reaches your ear. From liam514 if u have any other questions tell me and i will answer them as best as i can.

What vibrates when a flute is played -?

Air particles vibrate and cause a chain reaction making the vibrations spread, which eventually reaches your ears and your ear drum vibrates, causing you to hear it.

When you boil water what do the particles do?

The particles gain energy (kinetic energy) and begin to vibrate. This vibration causes heat. As the particle vibrates, it will collide with other particles in water and pass this energy on to neighbouring particles which causes the heat conduction.

What is a wave in which particles in the medium vibrates back and forth along the path the wave travels?

A longitudinal wave, like sound.

How does steam appear?

the particles of water vibrate in warm/hot temperatures, and at 212°F, it vibrates enough to evaporate, producing steam.

What causes all sounds to occur?

You can hear sounds because the sund particles vibrate with air particles and eventually travel to your ear and it then vibrates your eardrum and sends messages to your brain. I a vacuum sound can't be heard because there is no air for the particles to vibrate with. xxx

How is sound produced and how do they travel?

Sound is produced due to vibration. Sound needs medium such as air to travel. When an object vibrates, it sets neighbouring particles of medium to vibrate. These particles oscillate back and forth and reach our ears.