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im bi, and i feel like i have no control over that, its like me asking you to like sushi if you hate it.

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Q: Why people are gay lesbian and bi why cant you all be straight?
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Is charisma carpenter straight lesbian or bisexual?

No, she is all about the penis. All about it...

Can a straight guy be with a lesbian?

Only if the lesbian agrees. Is she's a lesbian then she is probably not at all interested in men, do don't get your hopes up.

When girls go to all girls schools do you turn lesbian?

No, this is not true. You can go to an all girls school and still be straight. It's just up to you if you want to become a lesbian.

You are lesbian so is that bad?

of course it isn't bad. people choose to be that way just like straight people choose to be straight you shouldn't believe it is bad because there is no differences then you really all that is different is the fact that they like woman not men k:)

Do straight women turn lesbian once in a lifetime?

No, not all straight women turn to a lesbian lifestyle in their lifetime. However, there is a small percentage of straight women who have had bad luck with men in general and may choose to have a lesbian partner; or in a small percentage some younger women are talked into being bisexual or made to believe they should be in a lesbian relationship.

Straight men are naturally attracted to lesbian women because they are more creative in bed adventurous and are all right with male interests?

Straight men are attracted to lesbian women because lesbian women have sex with other women...there is nothing deep about it, 2 girls is better than 1.

How do lesbian or other guirls develop a love for other girls feet?

Foot fetishes are just like any other fetish. Not all lesbians have a foot fetish just like not all straight people have a foot fetish.

Do agree all lesbian's around the world needs straight jackets?

No. Being able to love someone is a gift, not a mental illness.

What is the best way to not make a woman a lesbian?

You can't make a woman gay or straight. Sexual orientation is something we're all born with.

Are snails usually gay or lesbian?

Snails are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female gonads at the same time, so in a sense, they are gay, lesbian, straight, and bi all at the same time. Or, you know, just snails. Yep.

How many people that are gay live in california?

You're never going to know the answer too this considering the population is growing constantly and people come and go from California all the time, there's never a fixed gay/bi/lesbian and even straight population anywhere.

Who is the coolest lesbian of them all?

Pauline "PO" Lightburn is the coolest lesbian of them all :)