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People bully because they are trying to be cool. Bullies think that by hurting someone else that it will make them more popular at school. Bullies can bully in many ways but bully victims need to open up to an adult to try and solve the problem. If you have been bullied or are being bullied don't be afraid to share your story. Remember that there is help out there.

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11y ago

They seek attention and want sympathy. Frequently the person who lies about being bullied is actually been a formidable bully themselves and over time faces being ostracized. This ostracism is reinterpreted to be bullying when the bully can no longer get attention by abusing their peers and pretends to be a victim themselves.

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13y ago

its makes them look weak im guessing

If people are being bullied, they keep it a secret because they are afraid that the bully will find out they told someone, and bully them even more. So they shut up about it and just take the bullying rather than risk making it worse.

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