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people kick and abuse animals because they have no tongue to speak like how we have to speak. If someone abuses us or kicks us or tries to hit at us we directly go and complain o police or do the same what they did at us. but poor animals cant do that . That is why people take advantage of this and kill them , abuse them , kick them , hit them .

So people have low self-esteem, and take it out on animals, some are just plain mean . Some are amoral and have no conscience and treat people just as badly. Most serial killers have an early history of animal abuse, then escalate to humans. If you know people like this, alert school counselors , if they are adults, report them to Animal Control or the Police. They need to be watched.

Weak laws, no consequences, same for puppy mills, gutless governments, allows creaps to play tough on defenseless animals. Zoo also should be ban. We need to gather up petitions on the bozo government representative. There is no easier law to pass, who will fight it? Treat animal abuser the same as any abuser. We have adopted an Huskies from a group of 50 of them left tied to trees to starve to death!! The owner got Zip.

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Q: Why people kick and abuse animals?
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They abandon them. They underfeed them. They put them to sleep for no reason. They kick and kill them. They slaughter animals for food and animal testing. And many other things that I believe that are completely wrong!

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Different ways to abuse your animals is to kick them and hurt them give them to the pound where they might get even more than you could hurt them.

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Animals abuse started because people are treating animals as they are not something that we would care about eachday.

Who are the people that abuse animals?

i don't no but it is sad that people get dogs and they don't even like them and then abuse them

Why do people abuse and neglect animals?

People that abuse animals have a mental promblem or somthing. They probably get pissed or something and take out their anrgy on animals.

Will people that abuse animals get punished?

Yes, humans who abuse animals will be put in jail depending on the level of abuse. In fact, many people get put to jail because of this cruelty every year. Some people strangle or kill them, other people starve these animals.

Do people abuse animals because of depression?

Theres no real answer why people abuse animals but if it is depression ..., witch i dont think it is. They should't take it out on there animals because that's not going to stop it.

Will abuse to animals ever end?

Unfortunately, no. As along as there are cruel people in the world. There will be abuse of animals. With the more regulations protecting animals, it is getting better.

Why is it a problem to abuse animals?

Because there are frustrated and and mentally unbalanced people everywhere that get some sort of kick or relief out of meting out cruelty. they cant do it to humans because they are protected and may take action against them, however animals cant tell.