

Why people like giving up smoking?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Like is possibly the wrong word to use here but most people give up smoking for health and financial reasons.

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Q: Why people like giving up smoking?
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Related questions

Where can one find information on giving up smoking?

There are numerous websites that offer information on giving up smoking. "Smokefree" and "MacMillan" are two such websites. They offer help to people who just want to stop smoking, as well as cancer sufferers.

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because they want to reduce the number of people that smoke in the interest of public safety. there is a cost involved to the comunity as a result of ilness caused by smoking and by reducing advertisement the uptake of smoking is reduced and the giving up of smoking becomes easier for those that wish to do so.

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Behavior includes things like drinking, smoking, and staying up late. Most people know that those kinds of behaviors are not good for your health.

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All the recovering alcoholics who were smoking earlier (100%) continue to smoke. Alcohol dependence is caused by certain biochemical neurotransmitter disturbances (probably genetically determined) that cause 'compulsion' or 'addiction' factor. In the recovering alcoholics it is a miracle that they are coming out of the dependence. It is considered by some that getting off nicotine dependence (smoking addiction) is more difficult than getting off alcohol dependence. Just as medical treatment helps giving up alcohol, if medical treatment is taken while giving up smoking it would be easier to give up smoking. Such medical help is most often not sought by people in their sincere effort to give up smoking.

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by being a gay to be honest if you get a smoking addiction you can take a holiday up my bum!

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no it cant just like smoking nutmeg cant just like smoking nutmeg cant. trust me. i expeirienced it

Is it normal to be sick when giving up smoking?

yes, as it is stupid to smoke in the first place - shivanee told me so :-p

Why do people ask me out when they know they'll end up with a no?

Either a lot of people like you, and would like to know whether you'd be up for giving them a try even if you don't fancy them, give them an answer they find amusing, or like irritating you.

Do you gain wait from stopping smoking?

Many people gain weight after they quit smoking, but it's not directly from quiting. Most people who give up smoking will eat more because of cravings.