

Why people should come to New York?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Why people should come to New York?
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Why should people move to new york?

Its a great place with experience to come. Great places and people to see.

How did different groups of people come to New York?

the native americans of the new york area

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mindless behavoir should come to cnew york and perform

How was New York founded?

The first people to come to Colonial New York were the Quakers. The Quakers stopped in New York before moving on to Pennsylvania.

How was colonial new york founded?

The first people to come to Colonial New York were the Quakers. The Quakers stopped in New York before moving on to Pennsylvania.

When did people came to New York?

well actually it should be "When did people come not came to New york " but thats okay. During the late 1600 hundreds to the early 1700. The pilgrims first came to massachusetts in the 1600 hundreds,I'm sure it wasn't long before they discovered New York considering they are both in the same area.

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I think people should come because you learn new things if you have never been there

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i got all the money.... come get it

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Where do ships go when they come to New York City?

Is come and visit NY a sentence?

Yes, with proper punctuation. "Come and visit New York." OR "Come visit New York."

What is the name of the people in New York?

The people of New York are New Yorkers.