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Because if it falls off the end you can choke on it

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Q: Why people should not chew on plastic and pen caps?
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Can a mice get into a closed plastic storage box?

No mice can't chew into plastic cages, but rats can because they have very sharp teeth. Hope this helps!

What material should you make your hamster cage from?

Metal. Definately not plastic, he/she'll chew through it

Why are you always chewing on something?

If you have the constant urge to chew on everything such as ice, straws, bottle caps, etc. It means you could have an Iron Deficiency.

Why do people chew on plastic items?

Yup the perferated edges on the undigestable plastic can cut your intestine hence killin you

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Why can't you chew gum with questions?

We can chew gum because it is plastic. Plastic is very bad for your body and it can harm you. Gum can tasted good but it is bad for you.

Should you keep your gerbil in an aquarium?

yes it is the best home because they chew through plastic homes and they push the bedding out of wire cages

What toys should i get for my gerbils?

well, whenever i buy plastic toys then tend to chew them up in a day. so buy some harder ones. also if you are looking for chew toys, they LOVE toilet paper rolls!

Can crickets chew through plastic?

no because it is not got strong teeth

How do people eat in the Philippines?

with their mouths. chew chew chew swallow.

Why do older people find it diffIcult to chew?

It isn't. Maybe you should contact your doctor.