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We shouldn't because wolves are a major part of the food chain! If we kill them off, rabbit population, as well as other wolf prey, will rise drastically, causing major problems! They only kill humans when in defense of themselves. Plus, some are on the endangered species list.

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because some wolf species are already endangered :|

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Q: Why people should not kill wolves?
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Should humans hunt wolves?

People think that wolves are harmful to people. But the truth is that there is much more people who kill wolves. I don't think people should kill wolves because they don't like killing people and that they have to if people threatens them.

Do Inuit people kill wolves?

Native people such as Inuit people usually don't kill wolves. They see wolves as teachers on how to hunt.

Why do wolves sometimes kill people?

Wolves only kill people when they are scared. A wolf would not just go up to you and kill you.

Why are there no wolves in 1995?

There were wolves in 1995 and there are still wolves.

Do wolves always kill people?

It is quite rare for wolves to kill people. They normally prey upon animals such as rabbits and deer.

Why are wolves vulnerable?

Wolves are vunerable because people kill them and destroy their habitats.

What do red wolves like to do?

kill people.

What can people do t help wolves?

For a start, not kill them.

Should people kill wolves?

Because they hunted there sheep, red wolves only live in north america, and they brought red wolves back, they roam the backwoods of north carolina. and one time a red wolf had pups with a coyote, they made a show about it, it actually happened in north carolina, the people found out and killed the pups so they wouldnt, go out there and mess up the red wolves,

What do people have to be a part of in order to kill wolves?

Killing wolves is illegal. If you were to kill a wolf it would have to be in self defense or else you would be considered a poacher and get arrested.

Are wolves bad?

Of course NOT. People portray them as "big bad wolves", though they aren't really "harmful". People kill thousands of wolves, when wolves have only attacked around 10 people in 20 YEARS. They are scared of humans more than we are scared of them. They only attack if they have pups and you are trying to get close to them or if you are trying to kill it with your hands. Actually, I recommend reading a book called "Living With Wolves". There are these people who started to study wolves and the wolves bonded with them. The wolves even let them see the pups. It has a lot of great pics too.

Do wolves kill people often?

No, because we are not part of their food chain, but freak events do happen and some people may be attacked by wolves but not eaten.