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They use red and blue ink when tracing the flow of blood because red ink is for arteries and blue ink is for veins. This can cause a problem because people sometimes think that arteries have red blood and veins have blue blood, but this is not true.

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I THINK that blue is used because it is the color of blood without oxygen and red is used because it is the color of blood with oxygen. Also look at your veins see what color they are.

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Q: Why do you think you used blue and red ink in tracing the flow of the blood?
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Why do you think you used blue and red ink in tracing the flow of blood?

I THINK that blue is used because it is the color of blood without oxygen and red is used because it is the color of blood with oxygen. Also look at your veins see what color they are.

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I think you're thinking of vit K. It does not stop blood flow, but a lack of it will prevent clotting.

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I could be wrong but, I think it would decrease your blood flow

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yes i would expect so it also depends on the temperature of the water if it is cold then yes because you would die from the cold but it also may not because you go blue when the blood flow stops thats why people who are hanged go blue in the hhead as all blood flow has stopped.

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