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Q: Why people wanted to take part in the Crusades?
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Why did people take part in crusades?

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Why did the Muslims take part in the crusades?

Muslims took part of the crusades because the wanted the Holy Land of Jerusalem (now isreal) which was thought to be the birthplace of Abraham, the Messiah

How did the pope convince people to take part in the crusades?

He said that no matter what, whoever fought in the crusades would have a guaranteed spot in heaven.

Did the eastern orthodox church fight in the crusades?

No, it has never been in a war, and it has never conducted a Crusade or an Inquisition.

What are facts about the crusades?

Crusades was a series of holy wars!The Crusades were holy wars between the Christan's and The Muslims. There were 7 Crusades in total. They went from 1095-1270. The main goal of the Crusades was the Christians wanted to take the Holy City Of Jerusalem out of the Muslims power. Hope this helped :D

Who led the 4 crusades?

Christians and Muslims. Christians wanted to take the holy land away from the Muslims.

Who was the crusades war between?

The Crusades were fought between Christians and Muslims. They fought in the Middle Ages, and actually fought violently. Both sides wanted to take control of Jerusalem.

What are the Crusades relashinship with christans?

The Crusades were sponsored and fought by the Catholic Church and the people who went were Christians to take back the “Holy Land.”

Why did the crusades start?

it started because there were different belives wanting to take over the same part of a holy land and that's why it started because different faiths wanted the same bit of land.

Why were the Christians in the Crusades?

Christians participated in the Crusades primarily to recapture the Holy Land from Muslim control, as it was considered a holy site in Christianity. Additionally, there were political motivations, such as the desire to regain influence in the region and to reclaim lost territories. The Crusades were also seen as an opportunity for knights and nobles to seek glory, wealth, and land.

What is the total amount of crusades there were?

The total amount of crusades there was 8. The whole point in the crusades was pretty much trying to take over the holy land. Kings, nobles, knights, peasants (serfs), and towns people where involved in the crusades.

Who were the participants in the crusades?

1. What were the Crusades?They were a series of military campaigns.2. Why were the Crusades fought?They were fighting for Jerusalem.3. Who were the participants in the Crusades?The Christians and the Muslims.4. Where did the majority of battles take place?Jerusalem.5. When did the Crusades take place?1095 AD - 1291 AD.6. What was the outcome of the Crusades.Christians lost the military part of it. Europe's Renaissance greatly benefited from all the arts.