

Why photography called?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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It comes from The Greek word photo - light and graphos - writing. A photograph is writing with light.

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8y ago

It's from Latin: photo means light, graph is "to write" - so Photography is "writing with light."

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where do photography originate?It originated from a drawing device called a camera obscura.

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There is a book called "Photography" by Upton and Upton. I suggest you locate it.

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According to my research, the hobby of collection photographs is simply called "photography collecting." A person who engages in photography collecting is a "photography collector." Yeah, I was hoping for a fancy term, too.

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because photography includes taking pictures of the beautiful natural suurroundings which is the art of life

the best photography schools in the country?

There is a school in New York that is specailized in photography courses. It is called "New York Institute of Photography." This school has been educating photographers for a long time, and will help you in a bright future to continue with your photography career.