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Chlorophyll is used by plants to capture light energy during photosynthesis, plants use photosynthesis to make their food. Animals do not make their own food they get their food ready made so the don't to do photosynthesis or have chlorophyll

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photosynthetic cells are for plants so animals do not produce them they have different cells to plants.

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Q: Why photosynthetic tissues are not found in animals?
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Where are the photosynthetic tissues found in plant body?

It's found in every leaf of the plant.

Why photosynthetic tissues are not found in animals and muscle tissue in plants?

The function of the photosynthetic tissue is to synthesized food for organisms, so animal are heterotrophic (which cannot prepare their own food). That's why photosynthetic tissue is not found in animal. And due to contraction and relaxation of muscle tissue locomotion is possible. So plant can't change the place according to its environment. That's why plant cell lack muscle cells

What are 2 cells found only in animals?

The tissues found only in animals are: i) Nervous tissues ii) Muscular tissues

Photosynthetic tissue is specialized tissue that is found in the leaves of plants what does it do?

Photosynthetic tissues uses sunlight to produce sugar that the plant than uses for energy.

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What are the tissues found in plants and animals?

Xylem and phloem are two cardiovascular tissues in plants. The two tissues aid in helping the plant to absorb water and move it through their structure.Xylem and phloem are twocardiovascular tissues in plants

In what kinds of cells are chloroplast found?

Chloroplasts are found in green photosynthetic cells of plant tissues

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It occurs mainly in the connective tissues of animals.

What is a vascularity?

Plants that have lignified tissues for conducting water, minerals, and photosynthetic.

Why is photosynthetic tissue not found in animals?

animals are advanced than the plants in case of sensory system which is develop for the protection and to capture prey easily. in the course of evolution plants are developed from the separate branch monera to protista & from protista to animals. due to that they lost their photosynthetic tissue .

Which kingdom in the domain Eukaryote best classifies photosynthetic multicellular organisms that have specialized tissues?

kingdom plantae is multicellular and classifies photosynthetic

The main photosynthetic area of a leaf is composed of?

Photosynthesis takes place in the tissues of the plant that contain chlorophyll. This is found in the ground tissue called parenchyma.