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Q: What are Stored polysaccharides in muscle and other tissues in animals called?
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Does meat contain polysacchrides?

Yes the polysaccharides in animals is called glycogen. This polysaccharide is found in the liver and muscles.

How do organisms obtain energy from polysaccharides?

Because glucose is such an important molecule from which organisms obtain energy, plants and animals will string together units of glucose called polysaccharides. Plants store glucose as a polysaccharide called starch.

Long chains of sugar are called?

They are called polysaccharides. There are many different types of polysaccharides, such as starches, glycogen, cellulose, pectin, and others.

What is a monomer of polysaccharides called?

Polysaccharides are formed from monosacharides (simple carbohydrates).

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Cellulose belongs to a group of molecules called?

Cellulose belongs to polysaccharides, a group of carbohydrates.Cellulose belongs to a group of carbohydrate molecules called polysaccharides.

What are chains of monosaccharides called?

Chains of monosaccharides are called polysaccharides.

Complex sugars are called what?

Complex sugars or starches are called polysaccharides.

What is the function of a polysaccharide?

Polysaccharides are made of many glucose molecules. During digestion these molecules get separated and digested. They are the source of energy and in body they are stored as a polymer of glucose called glycogen.

Which organelle produces and modifies polysaccharides that will be secreted?

The organelle that produces and modifies polysaccharides that will be secreted is called the Golgi apparatus.

2 sugars linked by a covalent bonds is what?

Carbohydrates consisting of two to ten simple sugars are called oligosaccharides, and those with a larger number are called polysaccharides.