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It eats insects so it can get nitrogen because it lives in an area where nitrogen is not abundant in the soil.

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Q: Why pitcher plant feeds on insects despite it can perform photosynthesis?
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How do marsh pitcher plants survive?

Pitcher plants need more nutrition than they can get from photosynthesis. So they have evolved to digest insects.

How does pitcher plant eat?

A pitcher plant captures insects and dissolves them to obtain nutrients. These and photosynthesis provide them the necessary energy to grow.

Why does pitcher plant feed on insects even it is green and carries out photosynthesis?

pitcher plant is an insectivorous plant all plants need nitrogen insectivorous plants usually grow in an area which lack nitrogen insects contain nitrogen so it traps the insects

Is pitcher plant do photosynthesis?

pitcher plants can photosynthesis, any green part of a plant can photosynthesis. pitcherplants though cannot photosynthesis enough to survive and have adapted to digest small organosms instead.

What do pitcher plants eat in low nutrient areas?

Insects that fall into the pitchers provide nitrogenous nutrients for the plants which otherwise obtain their nutrients by the process of photosynthesis.

Does the Pitcher Plant make its own food?

All carnivorous plant preform photosynthesis, but add meat to their diet to make for poorly mineralized soils.

Why do pitcher plants eat insects?

Pitcher plants eat insects because these plants need more nitrogen for survive and this requirement can not be completed by soil.

Why are Pitcher-plants called Pitcher-plants?

Pitcher plants are called pitcher plants because they have 'pitchers' at the ends of their stems. The pitcher has digestive fluid in it with a sweet smell that attracts insects. The insects fly/crawl in and get trapped inside when the pitcher plant closes. They are then digested in the fluids in the "pitcher". Pitcher as in a jug or cup, not as in baseball pitcher but I think you knew that.

How pitcher plants traps insects?

The insects are allured by secretion of sweet sticky substance inside the pitcher and once the insect enters to feed inside the lid of the pitcher is closed and the insect is trapped and digested.

What kind of insects does the pitcher plant eat?

all of them

What are some adaptations of a Pitcher Plant?

1. The pitcher shape to trap insects inside. 2. The aroma to attract insects. 3. Hair growing downward to stop insects from escaping. 4. Using insects as a source of nitrogen in an environment low in nitrogen.

What plants eat insects?

Venus fly trap, butterwort, and pitcher plants eat insects.