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Q: Why potato should be stored away from light?
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Bromhexine Hcl is light senstive or not?

Yes. It should be stored away from direct light and below 30 degrees C.

Why does the outside of a potato cook faster than the inside?

Because, the outside is a THIN layer of \\"skin\\" that after cooked can peel away from the much THICKER \\"meat\\" of the potato. Also because, the inside is well... inside of the potato, stored away from the heat while the outside heats up first.

How should pistols be stored?

They should be locked away in a secure metal cupboard, and the ammunition should be securely stored somewhere else.

Should explosives be stored?

They should also be kept locked and away from children

How should medications be stored?

In a dry ventilated place away from children

How do you remove broken glass from my pool?

Very carefully? A half of a potato makes a pretty good glass-grabbing tool. Push the potato onto the glass shards. The shards will be stuck in the potato, and you can then throw the potato away, glass and all. And potatoes are inexpensive enough that you can afford to waste three or four of them to get ALL of the glass shards. They work well for extracting broken light bulbs, as well; turn off the light, push the potato onto the broken bulb, and you should be able to unscrew it.

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you can store it for tens of years if tightly closed and properly stored (in darkness and away from light)

How should pantothenic acid be stored?

As with all supplements, pantothenic acid should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, and out of the reach of children.

Why did the check engine light come on then go off on a 2005 Chrysler 300?

The computer detected a malfunction that went away. A code should be stored in the computer that will give a record of what the malfunction was.

Why should the green part of a potato be removed?

Exposure to sunlight causes the outer parts of the potato to turn green, when this happens it indicates an increase in the presence of solanine, a toxic chemical. The green areas should be peeled or cut away and not eaten, the rest of the potato will be OK to eat.

What keeps vampires away on Halloween?

It is legend. But garlic and light should keep them away-- right?!

What should you do if you ate a light bulb?

Go to the hospital right away. Light bulbs are not edible.