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Q: Why proximal muscles are commonly affected in myopathies?
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What are some congenital conditions classed as congenital myopathies?

Congenital myopathies are a group of myopathies, usually present from birth, that display structural changes in the skeletal muscles. The list of diseases defined as congenital myopathies varies.

What is the most common disease in muscles?

They are muscular dystrophies, myopathies, multiple sclerosis.

Why are proximal muscles usaully larger and stronger than distal muscles?

because they are larger

Is the skin of the lower arm proximal to the muscles below it?

The skin is superficial to the muscles. The muscles are deep to the skin.

What is a disease that attacks the muscular system?

In general diseases that attack the muscles are called myopathies. Muscular dystrophy would be one example.

What muscles abduct the proximal phalanges?

The abductor digiti minimi muscle abducts the fifth proximal phalanx. The abductor pollicis brevis abducts the thumb. The dorsal interossei muscles abduct the other fingers.

What are the symptoms of inclusion body myostis?

Weakness and impairment of muscle function are the hallmarks of IBM, and weakness distribution is variable, with both proximal (closest to the center of the body) and distal (farthest from the center of the body) muscles affected.

What is more proximal the insertion or the origin for the attachment of the muscles in the chicken wing?

no one cares

Proximal stability for distal mobility?

Proximal stability is the strength and stability of the core, trunk and back muscles of the body or those that are close to the center of the body. The better developed these muscles are, the more refined the mobility or movement is in the distal parts of the body such as the hands and fingers.

What muscles could be affected by weakness?

The muscles most often affected are those that are near the central part of the body, such as muscles of the chest and the upper arms and legs.

What muscles are affected by trichinosis?

The most frequently affected muscles are the muscles outside the eye (extraocular muscles) that control eye movements; the muscles of the jaw, neck, and upper arm (biceps muscle); the muscles of the lower back (lumbar region); and the diaphragm

Do you weigh more when you tighten your muscles?

Weight is not affected by tightening your muscles.