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Q: What is more proximal the insertion or the origin for the attachment of the muscles in the chicken wing?
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Is the origin of a muscle usually proximal?

1. Nearest; proximate.2. Anatomy Nearer to a point of reference such as an origin, a point of attachment, or the midline of the what ever you are trying to locate.So if you you where to look for the orgin of Rectus Femoris then yes it would be proximal to the knee.

What term identifies the site where a muscle attaches to the bone it pulls on?

The attachment of the muscle that is on the moving bone is known as the insertion. In contrast, the origin is the attachment of the muscle on the non-moving bone.

What is the attachment for the flexor muscles of the forearm?

The origin attachments are on, or near, the medial epicondyle of the humerus.

What is the difference between a skeletal muscle's origin and its insertion?

the position at which the end of the muscles is attached by means of a tendon to a movable bone whereas insertion is the attachment of muscles to the movable bone.. also origin is generally closer to the mid line of the body whereas insertion is farther away..

What is the difference between a muscle's origin and it's insertion?

the position at which the end of the muscles is attached by means of a tendon to a movable bone whereas insertion is the attachment of muscles to the movable bone.. also origin is generally closer to the mid line of the body whereas insertion is farther away..

What is the greater trochanter?

Lesser trochanter:A pyramidal process projecting from the medial and proximal part of the shaft of the femur; it receives the insertion of the psoas major and iliopsoas muscles.Greater trochanter:A broad, flat process at the proximal and lateral part of the the femur; it receives the insertion of the gluteus medius and minimus, piriformis, obturator internus and externus, and gemelli muscles.(Insertion - the place where a muscle is attached to the bone which it moves)

Five golden rules of gross skeletal muscle activity?

1. All muscles cross at least one joint. 2. Typically, the bulk of muscle lies proximal to the joint crossed. 3. During contraction, the muscle insertion moves toward the origin. 4. All muscles have at least two attachments (origin and insertion). 5. Muscles always pull, they never push.

What is the fixed attachment of a muscle called?

According to Anthony's Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology the origin is that point of attachment that does not move when the muscle contracts, and the point of attachment that does move when the muscle contracts is the insertion. Muscles and muscle groups that that directly perform specific movements are prime movers or agonists.

Why are proximal muscles usaully larger and stronger than distal muscles?

because they are larger

What is the insertion tendon of patella?

The patella is the round bone on the anterior of the knee. You can palpate the surface of the knee and you can gently shift the patella bone side to side. The insertion of the patella bone is quadricep ligament which attaches to the proximal end of the tibia. The origin of the patella is the quadricep tendon. The quadriceps consist of four muscles: rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, and the vastus lateralis.

Is the skin of the lower arm proximal to the muscles below it?

The skin is superficial to the muscles. The muscles are deep to the skin.

What kind of attachment is it when muscles arise directly from bones?

the farting attachment