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Q: Why put plates and screws in broken ankle?
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What does the abbreviation ORIF stand for?

ORIF stands for Open Reduction Internal Fixation in medical terms. This is a type of surgery used to fix broken bones. During this two part surgery, the bone is put back into place then an internal fixation tool is inserted to put the bone back together with screws or plates.

How do you treat a broken ankle?

1. Put ice on it to lower the swelling. 2. Elevate it. 3. Call a doctor and get to urgent care or your local hospital.

How do you tie an ankle bracelet?

Around your ankle, of course.

What should one do to support a broken ankle?

To support a broken ankle one would generally have a cast or a moulded support applied in hospital for at least a few weeks. Following the removal of the support, strapped bandages or a neoprene support are usually placed in a criss-cross fashion to keep the bones in place whilst they heal. It is generally advisable not to put weight on the ankle for at least 6-8 weeks or longer.

Where do straight people put their anklets?

If you put it on your left ankle, it means you have a love and your heart is taken. If you put it on your right ankle, it means your single and avalible. They put them around their ankles. On either ankle is good. I like to see them on both ankles.

What are common ways that ankle breaks and sprains occur?

maby try playing socer and jump and put your foot side ways and land. Do not even consider trying it: a broken ankle, or even a sprain, is a disabling injury which can lead to all kinds of complications.

Can you break your ankle ice skating?

I skated the day after my injury which its not a good idea. I never went to the doctor and now im having ankle,thigh, and knee pains after a year. Id suggest at least staying off of it for about 4-6 weeks.

What is the meaning of a ankle bracelet on the left or right ankle in religious way?

In some religions and cultures, wearing an ankle bracelet on the left ankle may symbolize protection, while wearing it on the right ankle may symbolize good fortune. These meanings can vary depending on the specific beliefs and practices of the individual or community.

How do you know if your growth plate is broken?

Usually if you go to get x-rays your doctor will tell you whether or not its broken. Some things you should know if it is broken are (i know this because I am in a aircast right know because I have a broken growth plate in my ankle). So first it would be helpful if I knew where you think your growth plate is broken. So here are some things you should know; -if it is broken and it is your ankle or heel, you will most likely be put into a aircast -go to the doctor asap because I waited two weeks and it got worse -you should go to a orthopedic doctor before or after so he can tell you whats wrong etc. -and stay off it as much as possible (I thought I sprained my ankle so I was on crutches for a week, and they helped)

What is a good way to put from in a sentence?

A good way to put from in a sentence is to say, I was unable to get from work to the doctor in a timely manner due to the heavy traffic. You could also use, She was excused from gym class due to her broken ankle.

What did you do to your ankle?

Go have it X-ray done to make sure it is not broken. Most likely you have a sprain and it will be fine, but it is a good idea to check it out. In the meantime put ice around it to keep the swelling down.

Will you have to use a walking cast for a broken ankle?

yes you would need a walking cast if you have a broken ankle (New person) Most likely. I just broke my ankle in two spots and had surgery to put two screws in. I had a soft cast for 3 weeks about and then a regular cast for 2 weeks and then I had a walking cast that I COULDN'T walk on for 2 weeks, and after that I got the OK to walk in my walking boot, for probably about three weeks. If you follow everything the doctor says, your process will be much faster and you won't mess up your surgery and have to have surgery again (I.e. Your screws come loose from walking too early and they need to open you again to tighten them)