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In industrial areas, acidic gases such as sulfur dioxide is emitted to the atmosphere. When it rains, the gaseous acids dissolve in the raindrops, and such rains are known as acid rains.

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Q: Why rain water in industrial areas is acidic?
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Why rain is acidic?

Atmospheric water droplets can absorb gases and dust from the atmosphere. Natural carbon dioxide from the atmosphere turns into carbonic acid, a mild acid, when it dissolves in water. This gives all rain water a slight amount of acidity. In some industrial areas, H2S gas from fossil fuels can oxidize into sulfuric acid and make rain even more acidic, but all rain is mildly acidic from C02.

Is rain water acidic?

All rain water is slightly acidic.

Is the pH of 4.5 of rain water considered acidic?

This is an acidic rain.

What conditions play a major role in acid rain production?

Acid rain occurs when rain water falls through layers of industrial pollution. Acidic pollution particles dissolves into the rain drops.

How has global warming affcted water?

It affects because it causes Acidic rain and acidic rain contaminate the water.

Why is groundwater acidic?

One cause of acidic ground water is polluted rain water, which can be acidic.

How can the water cycle make acidic water go everywhere?

The pollutants in air make rain water acidic. Rain water, containing acid reaches everywhere .

How do chemicals make rain acidic?

Rain is natrually acidic due to carbon dioxide, which react with water to form carbonic acid. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide from industrial process can also react to form sulfuric and nitric acids, which can make rain abnormally acidic.

Is rainwater acidic neutral or basic in california?

Rain water is generally acidic

When water evaporates from muddy puddles near factories and industrial areas will this water become dirty rain?

no,because the dirt stays on the ground while the water vapor goes up (but don't drink rain water)

What kind of rain is an environmental problem?

Acid rain is the environmental problem in industrial areas.

Acid rains are caused due to?

Acid rain is caused by rain that comes in contact with contaminents, such as industrial exausts and becomes acidic.