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May be you are practised with that culture.

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Q: Why reading from computer screen is slower than from a book?
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Common practices that harmful to the eyes?

reading in the dark rubbing your eyes too hard .. :D reading and lying down while reading a book looking at the computer screen too long that all i get .. :)

What is online reading?

Using a computer instead of a book.

Is reading an electrnic book worse for your eyes than reading a regular book?

I think the electric book is slightly worse for your eye sight because of the brightness. It depends on what device you read the book on. If you are reading on an eReader with an eInk screen, then only natural light is used. If you are reading on a device that has a back-lit screen then that may eventually lead to eyestrain, like watching too much TV.

Where can i find the reading list on your iPod touch?

Open safari. Tap the icon that looks like an open book on the bottom of the screen. There's the reading list

What are some real life examples of a quadrilateral?

A door, window, photograph, book, floor,,computer, trak pad, computer screen

Which is bigger a computer screen or a science text book?

if you meant width then a computer if you meant thickness a since textbook i you meant length then a textbook

How might you apply each of the four steps in the textbook reading system described in Ch 7 of the text to reading electronic materials?

How might you apply each of the four steps in the system of textbook reading, located in the A Plan for Active Reading section of Ch. 7, to reading text on your computer? The four strategies for Active reading are previewing, marking, reading with concentration and reviewing. Applying these techniques to reading text on a computer screen is simple in some aspects and different in another. College students will have to adjust a few active reading steps so they apply to computer reading. Previewing is looking over a chapter for the introduction, summary, heading, sub-heading, and connecting it to the knowledge the students already knows. Reading the assignment online or in a book is similar for most college students concerning previewing. Here are several techniques in previewing that serve useful in computer reading, mapping, outlining, and listing. ]

How is reading online different from reading a book?

Reading online usually involves reading from a screen, which can cause eye strain and fatigue. Online reading may also involve distractions, such as advertisements or links to other websites. Reading a book is typically done on paper, which can be easier on the eyes, and allows for a more focused reading experience without digital distractions.

Does the Kindle Fire have a screen that can light up for reading in the dark?

Unfortunately, the kindle does not have a backlight, although it would be handy to have if you are reading at night. The rest of the kindle makes up for it though. It has many amazing features, such as wireless connection and amazing books!

Who invented the next book tablet?

The next book tablet was invented by Michael Kozlowski. It is a dual-screen e-reader that combines the digital reading experience with a physical book-like feel.

Should you play games on the computer or read a book?

you be better reading bacause using computer can distract the lessons you learned froms chool

I'm reading The Hunger Games. I have the physical book. I am now reading the book on the Nook and cannot locate the page I am on...why aren't the page numbers on the Nook same as the actual book.?

That may possibly be because of the text size. You can change the text size by tapping the screen and tapping text.