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Q: Why register storage classes only acceptable for formal arguments and why not other storage classes acceptable for formal arguments in C?
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How many classes of storage do you have?

In C there are four storage classes: automatic, external, register and static.

Auto static extern register?

Storage classes.

Storage classes available in c language?

There are four types of storage class or variable in c. 1) auto storage class. 2) register storage class. 3) static storage class. 4) external storage class.

What is different storage class in c?

Different from what? Storage classes are auto, register, static, extern and typedef (formally).

What is storage classes in c plus plus?

AUTO EXTERN STATIC are the storage classes in c++

What are c storage classes?

storage classes determines the part of memory where storage is allocated for an object. a scope specifies the part of the program which a variable name is visible, that is accessibility of the variable by its name. in c language there are four storage classes automatic, external, register, static.

What are the storage classes in c?

A storage class defines the visibility and lifetime of variables or/and functions within a C Program. There are following storage classes which can be used in a C Program: auto register static extern

What are storage classes in c language?

There are Four main storage classes are there in c language 1.static(0 is default value of this class ,local area) Garbage value is default value of this class,local area) 3.register(Faster execution i.e, CPU receives values directly from register) 4.extern(specification for out of program)

Do you specify a storage class with typedef?

In C, "typedef" is a storage class, but sort of a weird one. It specifies that you are not actually creating an object, but merely defining a type. As such, there is nothing to be stored (at runtime). The other storage classes, auto, extern, register, and static, all specify actual storage.

What is the default value of register storage class?

Register storage class is a compiler hint that the variable will be often used, and that it should generate code, if it can, to keep the variable's value in a register.

Where is the input applied to a serial storage register?

First Flip-Flop in the register

What is auto in c?

Auto is one of the storage class.Auto can be declared only inside the class that is only accessed by the local variabl not global variables.There are totally four storage classes are there they are 1.static 2.extern 3.register