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because the engine and gears are still in flex mode.

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Q: Why removing foot from accelerator doesn't slow my car.?
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Do not put your foot on the breaks. Take your foot off the accelerator and steer into the skid.

How do you slow down vehicles?

The vehicle driver either take their foot of the accelerator and applies the brakes.

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Rolling friction By Alex ceron

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Because you have taken you foot of the accelerator (gas) pedal or there is a blockage of the fuel feed or the air intake to the engine.

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A web accelerator does many things. A web accelerator is a proxy that reduces web sites access times. This can fix slow computers. It improves your internet connection by making it a run a bit smoother and faster.

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Is clutch control using the accelerator and simultaneously using the clutch to control the speed of the car and coasting is when your car is still moving but your foot is off the gas peddle completely but you're of the clutch peddle to slow down????

How do you slow down a ball?

If u want to slow down a ball then put your foot on the ball

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the particles slow down. hope this helps! :)

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Your computer might be slow. Slow computers cause accidents and sometimes you have to download JAVA.

What has a foot on each end and one in the middle?

A yard, of course!