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sanskrit is not a computer friendly language, it was a big lie !

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I don know and searching for same.

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Q: Why sanskrit is the best language for computer?
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How so you write Sanskrit on your laptop?

just by formatting the computer with the language

Who gave the Philippines the Sanskrit language?

No one gave the Philippines the Sanskrit language. Sanskrit is a language of India.

First language of the world?

It is difficult to pinpoint one specific "first language" of the world as languages have evolved and diversified over time. However, some of the oldest known languages include Sumerian, Ancient Egyptian, and Sanskrit. These languages are considered ancient and have had a significant influence on the development of many modern languages.

Which is the most scientific language in the world?

Sanskrit, an Indian (Bharat) ancient language has been found to be most scientific language. Alphabetics in Sanskrit are based on Vocal System of Human body. Other languages of India (Bharat) like Hindi, Gujrati, Marathi, have their origin in Sanskrit. Scientists have discovered that Sanskrit as best language for Computers

Sanskrit is the beautiful language of which empire?

Sanskrit is the classical language of ancient India. It was used by various empires in the region, including the Mauryan Empire and the Gupta Empire, for religious and literary purposes.

What is Sanskrit language?

Sanskrit was the early language of Hinduism in the general area of India.

Did the Sanskrit language derived from the semitic language group?

No, Sanskrit is an Indo-European language that belongs to the Indo-Iranian branch. It is not derived from the Semitic language group, which includes languages like Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic.

What language is older Sanskrit or enochen?


How you get sanskrit slokes in sanskrit language?


What is the abbreviation for the language sanskrit?

Sanskrit = Sans.

Meaning of Sanskrit?

Sanskrit is an ancient Indo-European language that originated in India and is known for its rich religious, philosophical, and literary texts. It is considered to be the sacred language of Hinduism and the classical language of ancient Indian civilization. Today, Sanskrit is still studied for its contribution to Indian culture and its influence on various languages worldwide.

What is the best reason someone in India to study Sanskrit?

Sanskrit was the language of high caste people like Brahmins in the history. As Brahmins know it well, many of our Vedas, epics are written in Sanskrit. So, it was always language of choice.