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When you shiver, your body is trying to warm up because your body knows that something is cold and it is touching your skin so the pours on your skin close up and the hairs on your body stand up so it can capture heat and once your hairs go down it traps the heat making sure that your body is warm. So yes, shivering does increase your body temperature.

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Q: Why shivering increases body temperature?
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Efficiency of the body is high or low when shivering explain?

The efficiency of the the body is low when you are shivering because your body is in hibernation mode, shivering to help you maintain your body temperature.

Why is shivering one of the first signs that you are cold?

Shivering is the body's attempt to increase it's core temperature.

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You can be ill with a normal body temperature but if it was flu you would be sweating and shivering at the same time.

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How does shivering help your body control its internal temperature?

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Why does shivering keep you warm?

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