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because the saliva, mucus, the tears of dogs and piig are najas

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Q: Why should Muslims keeping dog as pets take care?
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Can Muslims have rabbits as pets?

Some do, some don't. Islam does not forbid the keeping of pets.

Is raring pets at home Ha ram in Islam?

According to the saying of Rasoolullaah (saws),keeping snake as pets in the house is forbidden in Islam. Keeping cats, pigeons, duck, hen, cock and other birds in the house is permissible. this is permissible when a person is confident that he /she can take care of them properly.

Can i have 8 pets 2 German Shepherds 2 Siberian Huskies 2 Boxers 2 Bengal Cats?

While there may be no municipal legislation preventing the keeping of so many pets in your area, proper care means having enough food, shelter, space, veterinary care, and the time to care for them.

Do Apes make good pets?

Yes apes are good pets. To care or one, you should have a large play area with trees.

Why should people go to jail for abandon their pets?

Many people cannot afford to take care of their pets or are not allowed to take them in.

Can Muslims haVE PETS?

Yes a lizard is as any other fish are frog so Yes you can have a lizard as a pet

Why should you have guppies as pets?

they are easy to take care of and dont need much work

Can you get sloth bears as pets?

sloth bears connot be pets. are endangered and keeping as pets will put you in jail

Are Gambian giant pouched rats illegal in the US?

Importing them is illegal, but not keeping them as pets or breeding them as such. The ban on keeping them as pets was lifted in 2008.

Did Clara Barton care for any pets?

dis she have or took care of any pets?

How many pets should you have?

You can have as many pets as you want. Really, it all depends on how much money you have to take care of what number of pets. If money is not something you really think about, then get a pet you love and enjoy.

Should Children own Pets Why or Why Not What types of pets?

They should. It teaches them responsibility. Easy to care for pets, preferrably in cages. Such as goldfish or hamster. And if the cage/aquarium is in the child's room, do make often visits to check on it. Also they should get a pet to keep them company and learn stuff