

Why should a girl or a girl not feel bad during puberty?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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10y ago

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Because the changes are all important. We have to look at them as positive life changing changes.

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Q: Why should a girl or a girl not feel bad during puberty?
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Why should a boy or girl not feel about the changes that happen to him or her during puberty?

He should not feel bad about the changes. Because these change are very important for us.

Why should boy or a girl not feel about the changes that happen to her or him during puberty?

He should not feel bad about the changes. Because these change are very important for us.

Why it is advantageous for girl not feel bad about the changes that happen to him or her during puberty?

Girls need to feel happy and proud about what is happening to them during puberty because the changes that occur will prepare them to be adults and have a family.

Why should a boy or a girl not feel bad about changes that happen to him to her during puberty?

It is a natural occurence that happens to everyone. There are many changes that will happen during puberty. It is the path that leads from childhood to adulthood. Be patient and all will become fine in the end by the time puberty has ended.

Why should boy and a girl not feel bad bad about the changes that happen to him or her during puberty?

Simply because it's a natural part of growing up. Puberty is the process of preparing the body for reproducing the human race. It's something everyone goes through, albeit at different ages. It's absolutely nothing to feel bad about.

What change of girl during the period of adolescent?


When does the blood sheds from vagina for the girl to start puberty?

Puberty starts before the menstruation does. When a girl get her period varies so I can not tell you when you will get yours but it is whenever during puberty.

Does everyone go through that chubby stage during puberty?

yes, it is called bloating and happens to every girl during puberty

Why should a boy and girl not feel about the changes that may happen to him or her during puberty?

It is normal for that change that you go through. It is also normal to have a sensations when you are feeling good in that spot it is all normal that is the way you know that you are going through a change.

What does the female produce after puberty?

Puberty is the phase when the body becomes sexually mature. So, after puberty, and during it, a girl may menstruate every onth.

What tissues are lost completely during puberty?

No tissues are lost due to puberty. But you may loose blood and other vaginal tissue during menstruation. (for a girl)

Why should a boy or a girl want feel bad about the changes that happen to him or her during puberty?

They shouldn't feel bad about what's happening to him or her. For guys they just get hair on their junk. For girls their breast tissues grow making their boobs bigger. You shouldn't care about what's happening just let your body do what it needs to do.