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Q: Why should a paramedic receive a vaccination for hepatitis b?
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How often should horses receive tetanus vaccination to ensure their continuing good health?

Every year, a horse should be getting a tetanus vaccination.

How long does the Hep B vaccination last My 12 year old son had this at birth and his school is now offering this vaccination for the grade 7s. Should he be vaccinated a 2nd time?

The hepatitis vaccine consists of more than one dose. If your child did not receive the second and third in the series of vaccinations, it may be wise to revaccinate. There is no risk in revaccination. If you have your child's vaccination records, I recommend consulting a physician or the school nurse for further advice. Hepatitis B vaccinations are generally thought to last 20 years or more, when delivered correctly.

Should you receive hepatitis vaccine while trying to conceive?

Yes, you can still receive the hepatitis vaccine while you are trying to conceive. It will not interfere with your menstrual cycle or the ability to conceive a child.

How often should you get a tetanus vaccination?

The current recommendation is to receive a tetanus shot every ten years.

Can vaccination cure hepatitis b virus?

I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the liver already present. I started on antiviral medications which reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC (ww w.ultimatelifeclinic. com) in March, 2020. Their treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing

Can i give 11 months old baby HiB and Hepatitis A vaccination now?

To ensure adequate protection, the last dose of HIB and the hepatitis A vaccine should not be given before the baby is 12 months old. Talk to your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

How often should horse receive tetanus vaccination?

Horses should be vaccinated yearly against Tetanus and boosters may be recommended if a horse is injured.

Why do you need both Hepatitis C vaccination and Hepatitis B vaccination?

Hepatitis C and B are very serious diseases and affect the liver with very serious consequences. The diseases can be fatal from simple dehydration from constant diarrhea and vomiting. Below I have included descriptions of how the diseases are spread and the necessity for getting the vaccination. They are chronic diseases and contagious. The doctors listed below wrote this:The hepatitis B virus is known as a blood-borne virus because it is transmitted from one person to another via blood.Semen and saliva, which contain small amounts of blood, also carry the virus.The virus can be transmitted whenever any of these bodily fluids come in contact with the broken skin or a mucous membrane (in the mouth, genital organs, or rectum) of an uninfected person.Less common causes of HCV transmission include the following: From mother to infant at the time of childbirthThrough sexual intercourse with an infected person: Having multiple sex partners is a risk factor.Needle sticks with HCV-contaminated blood: This is mostly seen in health care workers. The risk of developing HCV infection after a needle stick is about 5-10%.You cannot get hepatitis C by living with, being near, or touching someone with the disease. You can get the disease by sharing a razor, nail clippers, or other such items with an infected person.The source of transmission is unknown in about 10% of people with acute hepatitis C and in about 30% of people with chronic hepatitis C.Author: Sandeep Mukherjee, MD, MB, BCh, Assistant Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Two diseases a dental nurse should be immunised against?

Hepatitis B and Hepatitis A.

How many vaccinations should a child receive by the age of six months?

The typical US vaccination schedule during the first six months includes hepatitis B, rotavirus, DTAP, HIB, pneumonia, and polio. The baby should also get influenza immunization if in season. Talk with your health care provider for advice specific to your baby's situation.

What should you do if you received your third dose of Hep B vaccination before you are 6 months old?

If you got your third dose of hepatitis B before you were six months old, it makes sense to repeat that third dose at your convenience. There is no need to restart the entire series.

What if you have hepatitis A B C?

you should be hospital