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because it has to be

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Q: Why should all documentation be looked after and stored correctly?
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Which item is stored correctly in the cooler?

The macaroni above the raw salmon is the item that is stored correctly in the cooler.

Why is it necessary to maintain and file all documentation in line with an organisations policies and protocol?

Because if you did not do this other people would not be able to find the documentation you had stored.

Which item is stored correctly in a cooler?

soda and beer

Which items is stored in the cooler?

The macaroni above the raw salmon is the item that is stored correctly in the cooler.

Is fish poisonous if stored in refrigerator and you warm it up before eating?

Not is it has been stored correctly.

What is the procedure in engineering for ensuring that all tools equipment materials and documentation relating to the work being carried out is available and current prior to starting the activity?

All documentation should be stored in the correct place, this makes it easier to be found when needed and less likely to be lost. Prior to starting the activity you should check the documentation is available to you, if it is not then it should be soused from a manager or supervisor. It is important to check that the documentation is up to date as old documentation can cause mistakes and scrap material. So dates on documentation should always be checked.A good filing and logging system should ensure everything is available in its own place for any specific task, ie: manufacturers data sheets, PPE requirement documents, Job methods, Permits to work.This should ensure no emission of relating documentation.A visual assessment of the job, materials/parts and tools expected to be used supported by a check list should be carried out. This will make you aware of the tools and equipment that will be used and you can check that they are available.

Why it is important to store the document safely and securely and how to do so?

Answer: Any documentation of even minor importance should always be stored safely via, digital storage or physical storage E.g. filing cabinet as it may be required in the future for other projects, thus increasing its importance. Plus if it is of a confidential nature the record/s must be kept safe as not too breech the Data Protection act (DPA)Files and records should be stored to comply with your companies/DPA regulations to ensure the safety of said documentation/data.

Do diamond stones have serial number engaved on them?

Some diamond producers engrave stones so as to make each stone more uniquely identifiable. The engraving should have documentation with it that details who engraved it and where the engraved data is stored.

How should sweet peas be stored?

chick peas should be stored in a bin

Where should raw meats be stored?

It should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer. If stored in the refrigerator, be sure to use or freeze before the expiration date.

What statement correctly describes a feasible successor in EIGRP?

It is a backup route that is stored in the topology table.

What temperature should popcorn be stored at?

Popcorn should be stored at whatever joe wants.