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Q: Why should an endoscopy patient not eat after miidnight before procedure?
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What must a patient do prior to an upper endoscopy?

Persons are instructed not to eat or drink for 6 hours before an upper endoscopy. A mild sedative may be given to patients who are unusually nervous.

Why can't colonoscopy patients eat before the procedure?

The colon must be thoroughly cleansed before performing colonoscopy. Consequently, for two or more days before the procedure, considerable preparation is necessary to clear the colon of all stool.

Should a patient ask for a second opinion?

Before choosing to undergo a particular surgical procedure, the patient should get a second opinion about the wisdom, efficacy, risk, and benefits of the procedure

What does the anesthesiologist do in the OR?

he administrates the anesthia on the patient and monitors the heart rate and blood pressure before,during, and after the surgical procedure. he administrates the anesthia on the patient and monitors the heart rate and blood pressure before,during, and after the surgical procedure.

What must a patient do to prepare for a mediastinoscopy?

The physician will normally instruct the patient to fast from midnight before the test until after the procedure is completed.

Is a patient undergoing trigger thumb surgery given something to sleep before the procedure?

Surgery for trigger finger is usually done on an outpatient basis using a local anesthetic. So in that case the patient will not be given anything to sleep before the procedure.

What should you always do before instilling anything down and ng tube?

Explain the procedure to the patient.

What are the ways to protect an individual's dignity and comfort during moving and repositioning?

before carrying out your procedure address the patient by name, explain to them your procedure and allow them to take part in the procedure if able to.

Should patients not eat before coronary stenting?

After midnight the night before the procedure, the patient should not eat or drink anything.

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Of what information is a patient apprised before enhanced external counterpulsation?

the nature and purpose of the diagnostic procedure or treatment; the risks and benefits of the procedure; and alternatives, including the option of not proceeding