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Q: Why should cuttings be taken early in the morning?
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What time should you wake up to hunt a fox?

You should wake up at around 3 a.m early in the morning when it has just taken its rest.

Should alfalfa tonic be taken in morning or night?

Preferably in the morning

When are cuttings taken for propagation of rhododendrons?

Rhododendrons are difficult to propogate from cuttings, they are usaually done by layering or grafting. If you want to try cuttings July is around the best time.

Cuttings can be taken from a plants stem roots or what?

Mostly stem cuttings are used for plant propagation. In certain cases like Bryophyllum even leaf cuttings are used for this purpose.

Why was Thalidomide taken in the 1960s was it to relieve morning sickness in early pregnancy?

Yes, that is correct- to relieve nausea and morning sickness.

What precautions with regard to iron tests should be taken?

Blood samples for iron tests should be taken early in the morning because serum iron levels vary during the day. This precaution is especially important in evaluating the results of iron replacement therapy.

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yes. For sneaking out early in the morning

Does cinnamon make fat?

No, Cinnamon promotes weight lossif taken with Luke warm water - early morning.

Is neurobion tablets taken in morning or night?

it is preferred to be taken in the morning.

Why a man is hanged early in the morning?

Because there are less number of people on hand to see an accused Reason: In earlier days punishments were awarded publicly so care was taken that the accused should not feel ashamed in a lot of public as there are less number of people in the morning so it has been a custom since the beginning to hang an accused in the morning.

How long does it take a pomegranate to grow?

The pomegranate can be raised from seed but may not come true. Cuttings root easily and plants from them bear fruit after about 3 years. Twelve to 20 inches long cuttings should be taken in winter from mature, one-year old wood. The leaves should be removed and the cuttings treated with rooting hormone and inserted about two-thirds their length into the soil or into some other warm rooting medium. Plants can also be air-layered but grafting is seldom successful.

Why does your pregnancy test say negative?

Because you're not pregnant or because you have taken it too soon or not used an early morning specimen of urine.