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They should be allowed to have the freedom to have fun within certain confines. Dangerous things (burns, broken limbs etc) are part of the responsibility of parents to mitigate: children need to have room to learn and grow. A child's brain automatically knows what it needs to build the wiring for it to grow into a functioning adult brain: play and fun are really just a description of the process by which we (without conscious thought) grow our minds. Without free input and structured play, the brain is sterile, rigid and unable to deal with large amounts of change - it's reduced to a machine that only sees what it already knows.

The great thing about play (for children and adults) it allows the mind to sit above the hard cold facts of a situation and see patterns that aren't evident on first look. We all need fun, play and social interactions: without these things we would be hopelessly insane.

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14y ago

I am guessing that you are a young person that and beginning to feel the urges that will eventually drive you from the nest. This is a normal part of your development.

The fact is that freedom is relative. Regardless of the level of freedom you do have relative to the freedom that you feel you need, you have to be ready to accept responsibility for each measure of freedom that you get. For example, if you are granted the privilege of staying out later than you have been, you show your responsibility by getting in at the appointed time. If you are permitted to attend a venue that you have previously been restricted, you show your responsibility by behaving responsibly while at that venue and getting home when expected. Each little freedom you achieve, show that you can handle it and you will be trusted with more responsibility.

Finally, be patient. Your situation is a temporary one. And you will survive it.

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Heck yes!

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Q: Should parents give children freedom
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Should children be given the freedom debate?

Yes children should be given freedom as they too have there own life and decision making .In today's generation freedom is very much important as children should get the information ,what the hell is happening in this world , in our country.In the ancient times ,the condition was not so much poisoned as it is today.Parents are always paranoid.They feel that if they gave freedom to their children ,they would get influenced by today's generation and would take wrong steps in their life further,but if parents give their support to their children and help them to make a space for themselves in this over populated world it would be easier for them to live without stress and tension for their children in future. There was a lot of discrimination between girls and boys.In the olden days people thought that a girl should not be given any such kind of freedom which make them feel ashamed in front of others.Every girl should handle the household things with her mother. Boys were given the right to study but not the girls . Today the matter of fact is that women are more stronger then men and they have the capability to work day and night.Scientists have proved this fact.Today the situation is not under our control.We have to face such kind of problems.It's good to experience the things today. In the recent graph of deaths of the children at the age of a teen,most of them are the sucidal cases,due to stress and depression.If the children were given freedom , they would directly share their personal problems with there parents. At least parents should make their children feel supportive in each and every situation.If parents support them their is nobody who can harm their children.

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no because when the children sleep late and they have school on the next day so the parents should give them and limit time

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No. they can only give suggestions but actually the child has to decide which one he/she wants.

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Your real married sister is very poor can you give zakat to her?

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