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Q: Why should people not goof off during the pledge of allegenace?
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What should you be doing during The Pledge of Allegiance?

Sleeping zoning out cursing not paying attention and anything unpatriotic!

Should you say a club pledge before the pledge of allegiance?

I say Pledge of allegiance first

How do you place your feet during the pledge of allegiance?

I would think that you should have them faced toward the flag, strait too, just for good measure

One should never do out of repect to the flag?

you should never walk on the flag, sit down when people are saying the pledge, and u should NEVER spit on the flag.

Do you have to stand when the pledge to the American flag is done?

There is no law requiring you to do so. If you feel patriotic and wish to participate in the pledge, then stand, put your hand over your heart, and recite it. You can also stand respectfully and remain silent if you have any objection to the pledge (e.g. some people do for religious reasons, or for political reasons). Sitting while others stand and recite the pledge is your right, but people will undoubted be offended by this so be prepared to engage in a conversation with people about your decision.

What is the purpose of facing the flag during the pledge of allegiance?

to show respect. also if you're saluting a person, you look at them, so if you salute a flag, you should look at it.

Why should kids say the pledge of allegiance in school?

It is hoped that patriotism will be inculcated by the daily repetition of the pledge of allegiance, but I personally have my doubts.

Should you say the pledge of allegiance if no flag is present at a meeting?

Yes. It is appropriate to pledge allegiance without a flag present.

Did Obama omit the words under god in the pledge?

No, President Obama did not omit the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. This claim is a false rumor that circulated online. The president recited the pledge with the words "under God" during public events, just like his predecessors.

What should a guy do if he's hard?

Sing the Pledge of Allegiance.

Do you capitalize the pledge of allegiance in a sentence?

Yes, the Pledge of Allegiance is a proper noun because it's a title. It should be capitalized.

Why should we not say the pledge of allegiance?

Well its all in what you believe in. Do what you believe in.